Full text: National reports (Part 2)

In the photogrammetric field the scientific level, the tecnologic development and 
the productive potentiality must considered very high, going on with a tradition, age- 
long by now, of inventions, researches, initiatives and work. 
There is a gap among the scientific level, the technological one and the real adop- 
tion, in the normal productive cycle, of the new methods realized. Its explanation is 
in the resistance, obvious and always present in the organizations of the production, 
to substitute the used methods already experimented for many years, with the new ones. 
Investing new capital in instrumental equipment, modifying the already present staff 
for different tasks, creating a new staff properly qualified and also trying to satisfy 
the not always up-to date needs of the work's buyers, are necessities that create a justi- 
fiable idleness to adopt very significant innovations — for example, at the present, 
the plotting by orthoprojection — even though they look very promising and attracti- 
ve as regards the excellence of the product and the economy. 
Studies, researches and experimentations tend: 
1°) to enlarge the applications of aerial triangulation for the control of the pho- 
tographs also in surveys to scales not less than 1:5 000; 
2°) to develop the numerical language of data and results; 
3°) to create and spread analytical plotters ever more sofisticated, more versa- 
tile and less expensive; 
4°) to use more and more the systems given by automation (data recording, 
control servomotors, elaboration and output of results, plotting, drawing), following 
the progress that is taking place in every technological field; 
5°) to enlarge the intervention of photogrammetry in those fileds where measu- 
res of features suitable for its use are required, in particular in those fields where the 
dimensions are variable with the time. 

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