During the past four years, the photogrammetric activities in Mexi-
co have continued expanding, specially in mapping applications.
Important advances have been achieved in the coverages of large
areas with Aerial Photography, either black and white for topogra-
phic mapping, or color photography used in resources mapping.
The Aerial Triangulation has evolved with surprising speed and
quality from Aeropolygon to Independent Models and finally to Analy
tical methods.
The topographic map series 1:50 000 has passed the non-return point
with the completion of 1100 sheets, covering about 1000 000 square
kilometers, (about the 50% of the total area of the country).
Application of ortophotomaps is increasing specially for urban areas
and Cadastral Surveys. Urban Cadastral works are still the most
important but more attention is being paid to the rural aspect.
The resources mapping, represented by Geological, Eda phological,
Land Use, and Potential Land Use maps at different scales, but
mainly at 1:50 000 have steadily continued. Some studies have been
carried out at 1:1000 000 scale in the fields of Land Use and Poten-
tial Land Use, using LANDSAT imaginery.
We can report an important and renewed interest of several univer-
sities in the photogrammetric and cartographic fields; then we
foresee that educational activities will be considerably increased in
the near future in our country.
The Mexican Society of Photogrammetry, Photointerpretation and
Geodesy has organized two National and one PanAmerican Congresses
in Mexico City (1973, 1974, 1976).
A general outlook of the photogrammetric achievenients and activi-
ties in Mexico will be given in the next pages.