l. In conformity with the wishes of the council of the ISP this report will be short and will cover
only the highlights of the development of photogrammetry in The Netherlands during the period
The subdivision of the material will roughly follow the division of the ISP activities over 7
2. The map-producing organisations in The Netherlands are still the same as in the fore-going
period. These are:
Survey Department of the Rijkswaterstaat (Technical Department of the Ministry of Public
Works, Transport and Water-Control) (Director Ir. A. Waalewijn);
The Topographic Service of the Ministry of Defence, "Topografische Dienst" Delft (Direc-
tor Ir. J.A.C.E. van Roermund);
KLM Aerocarto Ltd., Schiphol and The Hague (Director Ir. W. Sonnenberg);
The Photogrammetric Department of the Cadastral Service, Ministry of Housing and Phy-
sical Planning (Chief Ir. H.L. van Gent);
The Topographic Service of the N.V. Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij (BPM), Royal
Dutch Shell Group, The Hague (Chief Ir. W.C.J. Burki);
Avioplan, Amersfoort (Director Ir. B. Volbeda);
De Waal Archifoto Ltd., Hattem (Chief Mr. A. de Waal).
The scientific and educational organisations dealing with photogrammetry are:
1. Delft University of Technology, Sub-Department of Geodesy;
2. International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences, Enschede;
3. Geodetic Department of the Agricultural University, Wageningen.
L1. Production
Production of aerial photography in the Netherlands is carried out mainly by KLM Aero-
carto and —to a very small extent— by some other contracting companies.
The quantity produced within this country is 35 000 line km net photography, at various
altitudes and in various scales.
Equipment :
To this end, there are available:
1 Piper Chieftain Navajo PA—31
2 Cessna 207
1 Pilatus Porter
all equipped for survey photography
Production of aerial photography by KLM Aerocarto abroad —in various countries of
Africa, S. America, Middle East, and Asia— has been approx. 500 000 km2.
Equipment abroad :
] Piper Chieftain Navajo PA—31; nav.: GNS 500
2 Learjet 20; nav.: visual
1 Aerocommander 690; nav.: GNS 200
1 DC 3; nav.: GNS 200
1 Cessna 402; nav.: Doppler
1 Cessna 310; nav.: GNS 200