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Computer controlled precision digitalization and processing of
Delft, 1975, NIWARS Publication No. 8, 17 pp.
Investigation into the spectral signature of agriculture crops
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Paper presented at the 9th Int. Symp. on Remote Sensing of
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Delft, 1974, NIWARS Publication No. 17, 16 pp.
Data processing in photogrammetry (a new ITC training program-
me, based on the acquisition of Stuttgart’s PAT-M block adjust-
ment programme).
The ITC Journal 1976, No. 1, pp. 45-55.
A review of the activities on automatic digital mapping in the
Twelfth Congress of the Intern. Soc. for Photogramm., Ottawa
1972. Inv. Paper for Commission III, 14 pp.
KARIN a programme system for the mapping of remote sensing
Twelfth Congress of the Intern. Soc. for Photogramm., Ottawa
Pres. Paper for Commission III, 17 pp.
Transformation of points from sidelooking radar images into the
map system.
Bildm. u. Luftbildw. Vol. 40 (1972) No. 4, pp. 183—188.
The ITC Journal 1974, No. 3, pp. 445—470.
Urban survey with aerial photography: a time for practice.
The ITC Journal 1976, No. 2, pp. 184—224.
Onderzoek naar een referentie voor de NIWARS veldspectro-
Delft, 1973, NIWARS Publication No. 5, 26 pp.
The spectral directional reflectance of agricultural
measurements on a wheat and a grass canopy for some stages of
growth. Delft, 1974, NIWARS Publication No. 23, 123 pp.
Action research at the ITC in some techniques of mastery learn-
ing: preliminary steps in evaluation in the photogrammetry de-
The ITC Journal 1976, No. 2, pp. 225-235.
MARS — A processing system for the mapping of remote sensing
Deutsche Geod. Kommission, Reihe B: Angew. Geodásie — Heft
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tember, 2nd to 6th, 1974), pp. 358—361.
The theoretical accuracy of point interpolation on topographic
Deutsche Geod. Kommission, Reihe B: Angew. Geodàásie — Heft
Nr. 214 (Intern. Soc. of Photogramm. Commission III, Proc. of