Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Hilwig, F.W., Goosen, D. & 
Katsieris, D. 
Hilwig, F.W. & Karale, R.L. 
Hilwig-Sjóstedt, B.M. 
. Hoschtitzky, H. 
Hout, C.M.A. van den & 
Stefanovit, P. 
. Jager, Tj. & Wamerdam, 
Jalba, N. 
Janse, A.R.P. & Bunnik, 
NJ J. 
Jerie, H.G. 
Preliminary results of the interpretation of ERTS-1 imagery for a 
soil survey of the Mérida Region, Spain. 
The ITC Journal 1974, No. 3, pp. 289—312. 
Physiographic systems and elements of photo interpretation as 
applied to soil survey in the Ganges Plain. 
Indian Soc. Soil Sci. Vol. 21 No. 2, pp. 205-212. 
Archeological photo interpretation of a Viking Age Site near 
The ITC Journal 1975, No. 4, pp. 399—412. 
A model for the simulation of photogrammetric refraction. Re- 
port of the bureau Exécutif to the 44th meeting of the Comité 
Directeur concerning a research programme for the OEEPE, Octo- 
ber 1973, 5 pp. 
ISP Symposium, Commission III (Mathematical methods), Stutt- 
gart, September 2-6, 1974. 
The ITC Journal 1974, No. 5, pp. 685—687. 
Efficient analytical relative orientation. 
The ITC Journal 1976, No. 2, pp. 304—325. 
Remote Sensing in het stroomgebied van de Hupselse Beek, deel 
Delft, 1972, NIWARS Publication No. 2, 70 pp. 
Une généralisation de l'écart-type pour des familles de distribu- 
The ITC Journal 1975, No. 4, pp. 452—486. 
Reflectiespectra van enige Nederlandse bodemmonsters bepaald 
met de Niwars-veldspectrometer. 
Delft, 1974, NIWARS Publication No. 18, 21 pp. 
Planning of photogrammetric projects. Twelfth Congress of the 
Intern. Soc. for Photogramm., Ottawa 1972. 
Inv. Paper for Commission IV, 23 pp. 
Development of a computer simulation system concerning the 
accuracy of photogrammetric operations. 
Deutsche Geod. Kommission, Reihe B: Angew. Geodäsie — Heft 
Nr. 214 (Intern. Soc. of Photogramm., Commission III, Proc. of 
the Symp. held in Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany, Sep- 
tember, 2nd to 6th 1974), pp. 137—144. 
PPP — An operations research programme for project planning. 
The ITC Journal 1973, No. 3, pp. 349—378. 
Development of a computer simulation system concerning the 
accuracy of photogrammetric operations. 
The ITC Journal 1973, No. 4, pp. 547—561. 
Establishment of semantic information performance of photo- 
grammetric processes. 
The ITC Journal 1973, No. 5, pp. 735—755.

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