Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Jerie, H.G. 
56. — & Shearer, J.W. 
57. Kamphorst, A. & 
lyer, H.S. 
58. Kan, A. van 
59. Kasteren, H.W.J. van & 
Uenk, D. 
60. Kolk, E. 
61. Koopmans, B.N. 
62. Kranendonk, A. 
63. Kubik, K. 
Determination of stochastic models for observation and point 
transfer errors. 
The ITC Journal 1974, No. 2, pp. 73—90. 
The establishment of cost models in photogrammetry. 
The ITC Journal 1976, No. 2, pp. 139-158. 
Proposal for a modification of line scanners and panoramic came- 
ras for the acquisition of stereo imagery. 
The ITC Journal 1976, No. 2, pp. 357-363. 
Research concerning the semantic information performance of 
aerial photography. Twelfth Congress of the Intern. Soc. for Pho- 
togramm., Ottawa 1972. 
Pres. Paper for Commission IV. 
Application of aerial photo interpretation to ravine surveys in 
India. Twelfth Congress of the Intern. Soc. for Photogramm., 
Ottawa 1972. 
Pres. Paper for Commission VII, 5 pp. 
Foto-interpretatie ten behoeve van milieu-onderzoek. 
Geodesia Vol. 17 (1975), No. 4, pp. 83-92. 
Spectrale reflectie van enige landbouwgewassen in relatie tot hun 
aard en structurele opbouw. 
Delft, 1975 NIWARS Publication No. 32, 31 pp. 
Verslag studiebijeenkomst „Numerische Photogrammetrie" te 
Stuttgart (29—31 jan. '75). 
Ned. Geod. Tijdsch. Vol. 5 (1975) No. 5, p. 103. 
Un enfoque dinámico de la fotointerpretación en levantamientos 
Inst. Pan. Am. Publ. No. 329, 1972, pp. 59—72. 
Nostas de clase sobre radar. 
Bogotá, CIAF, 1972, 17 pp. 
Drainage analysis on radar images. 
The ITC Journal 1973, No. 3, pp. 464—479. 
Should stereo SLAR imagery be preferred to single strip imagery 
for thematic mapping. 
The ITC Journal 1974, No. 3, pp. 424—444. 
Variable flight parameters for Slar. 
Photogramm. Eng. and Remote Sensing, Vol. 41 (1975) No. 3, 
pp. 299—305. 
Fotogrammetrie: een momentopname (Verslag Photogrammetri- 
sche Woche 1975). 
Geodesia Vol. 18 (1976), No. 2, pp. 57—58. 
Efficient methods for strip and block adjustment. Twelfth Con- 
gress of the Intern. Soc. for Photogramm., Ottawa 1972. 
Pres. Paper for Commission III, 18 pp. 

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