RUSU,A. Researches on Forest Photointerpretation (Cercetäri
privind oblectivitatea fotointerpretirii forestiere - re-
zumat tezd de doctorat).. Bragov, Universitatea,1972,lo0 p.
RUSU,A. Topography with Geodetic and Photogrammetric Elements
(Topografie cu elemente de geodezie si fotogrammetrie) ,
Bucuresti,Ed.Ceres, 1974, 512 p.
SCURTU, I. Aerial Photography Scales Used to Draw-up Large
Scale Maps (Scári de aerofotografiere pentru íntocmirea
planurilor la scári mari. Bucuregti,Bul.de fotogrammetris,
1/1973, 21-55 Pe
STANCA,F. Non-Metric Photographic Cameras Used to Establish
Cross Sections in Mining Galleries (Asupra posibilitátii
de determinare a sectiunilor transversale a galeriilor cu
aparate fotografice nemetrice). Bucuresti,Caiet de refers-
te Simpozion CRF, Comisia V,1975, 8 p.
SALARIU,I. On the Photointerprevation (Cu privire la fotoin-
terpretare gi descifrare). Bucuregti,Bul.de fotogrammetrie
1/1972, 15-50 p.
SALARIU,I. The Accuracy and the Economic Efficiency in Up-
Dating 1:5,000 and 1:10,000 Scale Topographical Plans,
Using FO-MM (Precizia gi eficienta economicá ín reambula-
rea planurilor topografice la scárile 1:5.000 si 1:10.000
folosind FO-MM). Bucuresti,Bul.de fotogrammetrie,4/1972 ,
15-25 p, RGCOT, 2/1975, 35-41 p.
TBACI,D., IONESCU,I. Research and Study of the Phenomena Oc-
cured in a Territory, During a Relatively Short Period of
Time, by Using Satellite Remote Sensing (Urmárirea si stu-
diul fenomenelor care se desfásoará pe teritoriu ín timp
relativ scurt, cu ajutorul teledetectiei satelitare). Bu-
curesti,Bul.de fotogrammetrie, 2/1973, 43-49 p.
TEODORESCU, Ms The Photographic Problems and Factors Influen-
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influenteazá asupra redárii fidele a culorilor in proce -
Sul de preluare a fotogramelor aeriene color). Bucuresti,
Bul.de fotogrammetrie, 4/1972, 54—49 p.
TBODORESCU,M, Remarks as Regards the Laboratary Processing of
the Color Aerial Films and Photographs (Consideratii cu
privire la prelucrarea de laborator a filmelor si fotogra
melor aeriene color). Bucuresti,Bul.de fotogrammetrie, 2/
1975, 15-27 p.
| TUDOR,C., MIHÁILÁ,M. Geodesy and Photogrammetry (Geodezie si
fotogranmetrie). Ed.Ceres, Bucuresti, 1974, 3560 p.
TURDEANU,L. Un procédé de compensation en bloc des photo-
grammes à recouvrement simple, pour le cas des terrains
plans. XIII. Congress of the ISP, Helsinki, 1976, 5 p.
ZEGHERU,N. The Automation of Cadastral Works by Usi Photo-
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sirea fotogrammetriel). Bucuresti, Bul.de fotogrammetrie,
1/1975, 15-20 p.