(v) an investigation into the occurrence of fires in relation to the
distribution of vegetation;
(vi) the delineation of potential forest conservation areas, and
(vii) the delineation of palaeo—drainage systems in the western part
of South Africa.
A drawback of the ERTS 1 imagery is its relatively poor resolution of
approximately 80m. For this reason the use of ERTS images is prin—
cipally in defining regional, as opposed to detailed, relationships.
. Research & Development
Research continues on the potential uses of multi—spectral imagery in
certain specific applications, but much more basic data is still required to
permit both visual and computerized analogue matching of local ground
emission spectra with the image characteristics, so that spectral bands can
be selected with confidence to meet specific needs.
Progress has recently been made in the application of Airborne infra—red
Scanning Radiometer images in geology.
. Special References
Malan, O.G. : The ERTS programme and its achievements.
The S.A. Jnl. of Photogrammetry, Vol. 6, No. 1,
Partridge, T.C. : The Witwatersrand — a study in metropolitan
research and analysis undertaken for Metrocom
to assist the Central Guideplan Committees for
the East & West Rand: Special Report: Terrain
and Engineering Geological Constraints. Urban
& Regional Research Unit, University of the
Witwatersrand, 1974.
Pretorius, J.P.G. and Partridge, T.C. : The analysis of angular stypicality of
lineaments as an aid to mineral exploration.
Jnl. of the S.A. Inst. of Mining & Metallurgy,
Vol. 74, No. 10, 1974.
Viljoen, R.P., and M.J., Grootenboer, J. and Longshaw, T.G. : ERTS—1
imagery: An appraisal of applications in geology
and mineral exploration. Minerals, Science &
Engineering, Vol. 7, 1975.
Proceedings : Third Symposium on Terrain Evaluation — S.A.
Inst. of Civil Engineers, Feb. 1975.