Full text: National reports (Part 2)

In 1975 LMV was transferred from Stockholm to the city 
of Gävle 180 kms north of Stockholm. 
3 COMMISSION I Primary Data Acquisition 
During the period 1972-1976 the Commission I Board has 
been Swedish. Mr Erik P Welander has been its president. 
An international Commission I Symposium on Remote Sensing 
and Aerial Photography was arranged in Stockholm between 
August 27-29, 1974. The symposium covered most of the 
Commission I work and was sponsored by the Swedish Society 
of Photogrammetry, More than 100 participants attended 
the meetings where 38 technical papers were discussed. 
Data acquisition for photogrammetric treatment or for ohoto 
interpretation is, in Sweden, mainly restricted to aerial 
photography. However, there are operative systems using 
radar and thermal scanners. 
3.1 Aerial Photography 
All aerial photography for cartographic purposes is carried 
out by LMV. 
As LMV no longer has its own aircraft aerial photography 
is normally carried out using aircraft leased from Crownair 
which is & governmental organisation. During the peak 
season four Air Commanders are used for photographic 
At present, LMV has three Wild RC10, two RC8 and one RC5 
camera with UAg-lenses (Two with UAg II) with & 15 cm 
focal length and 23 x 23 cm negative format. In addition 
a camera package containing four synchronized Hasselblad 
cameras is used for multispectral photography. 
About 30 % of the aerial photography is carried out in 
accordance with a general plan, the aim of which is to 
ensure that the latest available photographs for the greater 
part of Sweden are not more than 7 to 10 years old. In the 
mountainous parts of northern Sweden this limit is extended 
to about 15 years. A revision of this plan which has been 
followed since 1961 is now under discussion. 
For production of special large scale maps on a repayment 
basis at scales of 1:400-1:2 000, aerial photography is 
carried out at various altitudes down to 4OO metres 
This activity is mainly restricted in time to a relatively 
short period during the spring. The number of photographs 
produced on this basis amounts to 12-15 000 per year. This 
activity also includes photo missions for interpretation 

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