Photographic missions according to the general plan for
the official mapping are carried out using black and
white photographic materials. In photography carried out
on a repayment basis, however, colour and infra-red
colour film are used to a considerable extent In the
last few years about 40 % of the negatives, corresponding
to some 6 000 frames per year,were exposed on different
colour materials.
A very large number of contact prints, diapositives,
enlarged photographs and rectified photographs are supplied
from the photo library of LMV, which now contains some
700 000 aerial photo negatives.
In tables 1 and 2, production results for the period
1972-1975 are given.
Table 1 Aerial Photography - covered areas.
Year Areas in ku Total
For official Ordered
maps work
1972 93 500 33 300 126 800
1973 68 600 37 400 106 000
1974 53 000 21 100 74 100
1975 107 850 52 500 60 350
Total 322 950 144 300 367 250
Table 2 Aerial Photography - number of recorded
Year For Ordered work Total
official Black Colour Total
naps and
1972 7 910 6 274 4 646 10 920 18 830
1973 55% 7292 4 708 12 000 17 530
1974 3 390 7380 6220 13 600 16 990
1975 7 615 9 167 6130 15297 22 912
Total 24 445 30 113 21 704 51 817 76 262