Table 3 Photographic Products for the Official Meps end the General
Photographie Plan.
Yoar Contact prints Rectified or Diaposi tives
enlarged photos
Ayaber Buber, Bue V
1972 32 167 4 746 2 780
1973 31 682 8 502 2 017
1974 28 416 6 064 2 141
1975 » 621 $ 172 1 683
Total 126 886 24 404 8 621
Table 4 Photographic products to order.
Year Contact prints Rectified or Diapositives Mosaíes . Photographie
enlarred photos
number nunber number © seaber number
bw colour b&v colour b&t« colour
1972 25 464 253 . 20 6j0 186 7 008 2 442 29 9 764
1973 24 249 195 20 548 46 8 820 2 459 » 10 906
1974 37 534 2 433 22 132 59 6 606 5 463 . 496 8 696
1975 37 766 189 15 004 120 717 2 949 36 8 364
Total 127 013 j 068 78 354 411 30 351 13 313 596 37 730
3.3 Image Geometry
During 1969 and 1971 experiments using differently coloured
signals were performed by the Geographical Survey Offoce
of Sweden (Rikets allmänna kartverk, RAK). Since 1971 new
types of lenses, such as Universal Aviogon II, have been
introduced. During 1975, therefore, a new test of differently
coloured signals was carried out using both Universal Aviogon
and Universal Aviogon II. The height deformations of the
stereo model due to the signal colour used were determined
and the radial distortion for coloured signals was calculated.
Variations in the height deformations were less in 1975
(0.35 o/oo of the flying altitude) than in 1971 (0.70 o/o0
of the flying altitude) for Universal Aviogon and for
Universal Aviogon II the variations did not exceed 0.25 o/oo.