Full text: National reports (Part 2)

6 COMMISSION IV Topographic and cartographic 
In Sweden the official maps are produced at scales $ 
1:10 000. The National Land Survey accordingly dominates 
the small scale mapping. For fural and urban planning 
the 278 local authorities are themselves responsible 
for the procurement of maps at scales — 1:10 000. These 
maps are produced by private consulting engineering firms 
and by the National Land Survey on a tender basis. Large 
scale mapping has increased in volume during the last 
four years and new legislation will probably strengthen 
this trend in the forseable future. Mapping assignments 
abroad have also increased. 
6.1 Orthophotography 
Photo maps at the scale of 1:10 000 in the southern and 
eastern parts of Sweden and 1:20 000 in the interior parts 
of northern Sweden serve as a base for most official maps 
at the same or at smaller scales. The photo map was earlier 
made as a controlled mosaic, but in 1966 LMV introduced 
orthophoto techniques for photo map production. The old 
technique was to a successively decreasing extent used 
until 1971. Since 1972 all base sheets have been produced 
from orthophotos. 
In 1978, the first production run of the Economic Map is 
planned to be completed. Revision of the older map sheets 
has already begun and will accelerate towards the end of 
the decade. The oldest map sheets are about forty years old 
and as it is intended to revise the maps at much shorter 
intervals in the future the production of orthophotos will 
have to increase accordingly. 
Orthophotos are, however, made not only for the official 
maps but also for foresty, and to an increasing extent, 
Tural and urban planning purposes. Orthophotos have been 
used as a base for tourist maps and there is a growing 
interest for colour orthophotos. 
6.2 Automation 
Automatic coordinatographs are to a large extent used in 
modern Swedish mapping. Reference grids, contours, profiles, 
planimetric details and real estate boundaries can be 
plotted automatically. Research has been initiated to 
design economical systems to visualize photogrammetrically 
digitized data directly on a screen at the stereo plotter. 

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