Full text: National reports (Part 2)

inrer ned | K Moderna mütningsmetoder i tummlar och Axelssom S Registration of oil spills by remete 
t für bergrum. sensing techniques (in Swedish). Saab- 
xia. Bergsprüngningskommittén, Stockholm Scania RL-0-3 R13 1972 
1974 1973 
fe Registration of oil spills from aircraft. 
‚he Aid frlegárd- Comparison between stereo- and slit Results from s field experiment (in Swe- 
: Methode. fraken image.Photogrammetric measurements of dish). 
d Con- the optio disc, Saab-Soania RL-0-3 R15 1972 
Stock- Proceedings Biostereometrics -74, 
Int Symp Comm V ISP 1974 «fa Microwave and IR radiometry from heli- 
| copter. Design of the moasurement uys- 
tion and forleglrd XK Heasuring for the industry. tem used at field experiment September 
indervater | Invited paper FIG-Congress 1974, - 1974 (in Swedish). 
Coumission 6 Saab-Scania RL-0-3 B255 1974 
4 Con- 
Stook- -"- Remote Sensing of oil slicks, Results 
from a field experiment in the Baltic 
famission VI Sea, September 1974. 
Saab-Scania RL-0-3 R27 1975 
land L Miniature Photogrammetry,an Attempt to 
Make Elementary Training Simpler and fe Mapping of oil spills by airborne remote 
nsport- Less Expensive, sensing teohniques, Possibilities and 
diber- Comm VI, XII ISP Congress Ottawa 1972 operative limitations of different sen- 
“Steste- ; sors (im Swedish). 
Killer S @ Felrisker och ekonomi { den nétnings- Sasb-Seania RL-0-3 R29 1975 
z. 1975 tekniska arbetsprocessen. 
Foredrag inom institutionen für geodesi  -"- Mapping of sea ice by radar altineter 
Marken» vid Tekniska hógskolan i Stockholm. (1n Swedish). 
sans, Stencil 1972 Saab-Scania RL-0-3 B275 1974 
llaonssom G Anatomiska Institutionen, Lund, "t". On the theory of radar altimetry above 
narius Kompendium i specialfotogrammetri, LTH rough surfaces. 1975 
etri. 1975 
lngborg E Kompendium i fotogrannetri für fort- - "n. Ice measurements by radar altimetry. 
ste 0) sáttningskurs 10b, valfri del. LTH Results from a field experiment in the 
Qulf of Bothnia March 1975. 
Saab-Soania RL-0-3 R31 1975 
tenskapen. Axelsson S Remote Sensing of Oil Slicks. 
a, Göte- Ohlsson E Ambio 1973:3, Stockholm 
libm S et al SYDAT - ett realtidsarbetande TY-dator- 
system für bildbehandling. Bakgrund Axelsson S Remete sensing of oíl spills by IR- and 
c Method och óversiktlig projektbeskrivning. Kaski K microwave radiometer. Results from a 
of the POA 2 rapport C2631, okt 1973 field experiment (in Swedish). 
Saab-Scania RL-0-3 B265 1975 
laqvist E Remote sensing of the atmosphere by 
lidhol t R laser techniques (in Swedish). Blomquist À Detection of oil spills by radar (in 
itt @ Swedish Board for Space Activities Nilsson J Swedish), 
4, LYN DC2635 1974 F0A3 Report D3235-El 1973 
Mderoik- erg V Use of aerial photographs for early Blomquist Àl Final report on project Sea Ioe 75. 
à trie tstenson L detection ef bark beetle infestations Pilo C Swedish Space Corporation 1976 
Mtender B of spruce, Thompson T 
| Ambio Vol 2, Ho 3 1973 
| Borg C-G Programme for the Frenoh-Swedish Daedalus 
i tene hits B Re certainty of input data for ope- MSS-75 campaign. 
rational planning in forestry etc, Swedish Space Corporation F7-9 1975 
(in Swedish) 
State College for Forest Engineers, 
1 e Report 1973 nr 4 

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