systematic acquisition of the necessary data. In
addition the Landestopographie offers within their
possibilities assistance for photogrammetric pro-
jects of various purposes.
For its mission the organisation has available a
flight service (airplane "Grand Commander" with
Wild RC-10 Camera), four evaluation instruments
(one Wild A7, three Wild A8) and a well equipped
Photolab, which can respond to most photographic
The data acquisition for the map revision is orga-
nized in such a way, that yearly an area is covered,
which comprises about one sixth of the Swiss terri-
tory. During the reporting period the first revision
cycle was completed, thus a series of photographs
exists which cover the country without any gaps.
This material is accessible for various kinds of
customers by way of a Photo-Archiv. Two years ago
the Landestopography informed the public about
the existence of the Photo-Archiv. A lively use of
the material by the general public has developed.
Special flights are arranged for the Swiss Glacier
Commission according to a schedule which pro-
vides photographic material of a large number of
the more important glaciers. These dates serve
mostly scientific investigations besides the surveil-
lance of danger areas.
Similarly, photographs are taken in support of the
just recently consolidated UNESCO-MAB (Man and
Biosphere) project. The Swiss contribution is di-
rected towards studies in the area of the Jungfrau
region for the purpose of investigating the ecology
of mountainous terrain. The data collection requires
the acquisition of black-white, color and false color
The revision work is accomplished on the above
mentioned restitution equipment. The evaluation is
made directly at the scale of 1:25 000 on coated
glass plates. Because of the geometrically depend-
able map contents the orientation of the revision
photography can generally be made without special
pass-point determination and without additional
aerial triangulation.
Noteworthy is an own development of the Landes-
topography. An optically based imaging system
allows the operator of a restitution instrument to
observe the drawing utensil without turning the
head. The image quality of the projected mapping
area is superior to a conventional TV picture. This
gadget has resulted in about 20 % time savings.
The Swiss Federal Directorate for Surveying
(“Eidg. Vermessungsdirektion”)
Since the beginning of 1976 the flight service of the
Vermessungsdirektion has a TWIN PIONEER TYP
DHC-6-300 airplane to his disposal, equipped with
a Wild RC-10 camera. The acquired photography
serves primarily two tasks, namely the production of
cadastral plans in mountainous area and the pro-
duction and revision of the " Uebersichtsplan" (To-
pographic map at scales 1:5000 and 1:10 000).
Cadastral Surveys:
The application of photogrammetry for cadastral
purposes is restricted to alpin regions, which have
only sparce or no population. The evaluation is
strictly on a numerical basis.
The areas to be surveyed are generally of limited
extention requiring only small block figurations.
The exclusive application of numerical methods—
even for areas of less economical value—allows a
certain degree of automation and offers an eco-
nomical method to handle the problem of filling in
small survey gaps. In Switzerland too the applica-
tion of photogrammetry for cadastral purposes has
found a keen competition by the methods of modern
(Grundbuchkarte 1 : 5000, 1 : 10 000)
The project of establishing the original Uebersichts-
pläne was actually completed several years ago.
By the end of 1975, 97 % of the area was covered.
This effort was almost exclusively executed by pho-
togrammetric means for both positions and eleva-
During the reporting period the main interest focus-
sed on the problem of plan revision especially on
the possibility to use photogrammetric techniques.
The new “Regulations about the duplication and re-
vision of Uebersichtspläne with respect to Grund-
buchsurveys” from November 28", 1974, state that
in areas where parcel-surveys are nonexistent, the
revision of the original plan shall be coordinated
with the revision of the national map series of
1:25 000. Consequently the corresponding photo-
graphy must be used for identification purposes and
to a certain extent for new plotting even for scales
of 1:5000 and 1:10000. Praxis oriented experi-
ments have led to the conclusion that the use of
Orthophotos as “Uebersichtsplan” itself or as a
means for revision, cause on account of identifica-
tion problems more disadvantages than methodical
Aerial photographs for the purpose of protecting
cultural values:
The Swiss Federal Government Supports since
Some years ago a program to obtain photography
which portrays typical village and town layouts with
their roof patterns.
During the reporting period 40 settlements were
photographed in color for stereoscopic evaluation.
The scale of photography is 1:2000 and the plott-
ing scale 1 : 250. In addition quite numerous oblique
photographs were made strictly for pictural repre-
Photogrammetry and Güterzusammenlegung:
For the registration of old ownership in areas which
so far remained unsurveyed and in non-wooded
areas classic graphical photogrammetric evaluation
methods are almost exclusively used, as they have
been successfully applied for many years.
3. Photogrammetry at the Swiss Federal
Institute for Forestry
(Eidg. Anstalt für das forstliche Versuchswesen)
Swiss Foresty has to deal with small area cultivation
and rather complex ownership conditions. Support
by accurate maps and reliable data about supply