Full text: National reports (Part 2)

— Development of an operational classification 
system for mapping the areal extent of the 
snowcover in high mountain areas indepen- 
dently of sun position, aspects and shadows, by 
using all four MSS-channels as variables. 
— Separation of snow and clouds from EREP S-192 
data using the spectral bands 0,46—0,51 u, 0,78— 
0,88 u and 1,55—1,75 u as variables. 
— Operational classification system including all 
vital preprocessing steps for mapping land use 
features by using all four MSS-channels as vari- 
ables and introducing additional synthetic ratio- 
Passive microwaves 
The research experiments in this field concentrate 
— effects of atmospheric features on the quality of 
millimeter images, 
— determination of microwave emissivity of vari- 
ous natural features with a ground based scan- 
ning radiometer, 
— detection of trace gases in the atmosphere for 
spaceborne, airborne and ground based measur- 
ing situations. 
7. The Swiss Society of Photogrammetry 
(Schweiz. Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie) 
The Swiss Society of Photogrammetry, which exists 
since 1928, has presently about 170 members. 
The membership consists of specialists in the field 
of Photogrammetry, Geodesy, Topography and Car- 
tography. The purpose of the Society is to promote 
advances in theory and praxis for these activities 
and further the application of photogrammetry in 
the various branches of the sciences, the general 
national economy, particularly in the field of tech- 
nical engineering. Furthermore the society pro- 
motes the exchange of professional information be- 
tween the specialists on a national as well as on a 
international basis. 
During the past four years these goals were per- 
suited by: 
— The organisation of technical presentations over 
such subjects as 
"Statistics in Surveying" 
"Analytical photogrammetry and cadastral 
“The Planetarium at Lucerne" 
"An attempt to use precision Photogrammetry 
for the establishing of a traverse system at a 
city" and 
*The evaluation of Infraredphotography for heat 
The speakers were authorities from Swiss and 
West-German Institutions. 
— Periodical orientations about the activities of the 
international organisations (International Soci- 
ety of Photogrammetry ISP) and the European 
Organisation for Photogrammetric Experiments 
(OEEPE) and their technical commissions. 
— Reports about developments of photogram- 
metric instrumentation, supported by visits with 
the industrial enterprises. 
— Participation on the organisation and the carry- 
ing-out of a travelling exhibition on the subject 
of "Surveying and Planning". 
In addition the Swiss Society of Photogrammetry 
acts as co-publisher of the professional journal 
"Vermessung, Photogrammetrie und Kulturtech- 
The material for this report was collected and 
edited by Prof. Dr. Hellmut Schmid (Institute of Geo- 
desy and Photogrammetry ETH Zurich) 
The contributers are: 
Dipl. Ing. G. Bormann Wild Heerbrugg AG 
Kern & Co. AG, Aarau 
Dr. H. Aeschlimann 
Dipl. Ing. Ch. Eidenbenz 
Dipl. Ing. H. Diering Vermessungsdirektion, 
Eidg. Anstalt für das 
forstliche Versuchs- 
wesen, Birmensdorf 
Dr. O. Kólbl 
Dipl. Ing. R. Scholl Schweizerische Schule 
für Photogrammetrie- 
Operateure, St. Gallen 
Prof. Dr. W. K. Bachmann ETH Lausanne, Institute 
of Photogrammetry 
Au (Architekturphoto- 
Prof. Dr. H. Kasper 
Luzern, Schweizerische 
Gesellschaft für 
Dipl. Ing. R. Kági 
Prof. Dr. H. Haefner Geographisches Institut 
der Universität Zürich 
(Remote sensing) 

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