Full text: National reports (Part 2)

As it is in all the other countries, developments are being 
achieved in our country too in the field of photogrammetry relevant to 
training,application and researches. With a view of providing country 
wide profit in these works and that fruitful relations with ISP can be 
carried out by means of good coordination and cooperation, it was intended 
to establish the Turkish National Association of Photogrammetry (TNAP) in 
1972. Preperations were completed in two years and the Association was 
actually found by the Government decision dated 27 February 1974. 
The representing organization of TNAP is the General Directorate 
of Mapping under the Ministry of National Defence. The secretarial ser- 
vices of the Association are fulfilled by a bureau at the General Direc- 
torate of Mapping. Within the TNAP, seven technical commissions exist 
parallel to the ISP Technical Commissions. TNAP holds a General Assembly 
at least once a year and takes its resolutions upon discussions on techni 
cal and administrative subjects concerning the activities of the Associa- 
The activities of TNAP between the period of 1972-1976 are summari- 
zed in this national report. 

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