Full text: National reports (Part 2)

a wider application field of the ortho-photo technique in revision and 
with other purposes, use of simpler instruments and systems besides the 
existing compilation instruments used in revision works, and use of the 
scribing technique in all types of map production, 
With the purpose of increasing the map production capacity, ele- 
ven new instruments including Wild A7-A8-B8-PPD8-EK 5 and Zeiss Planimat 
D2 Zeiss PSK-2, Ecomat 21 are purchased, 
Commission IV of the TNAP carries out its activities by 4 Working 
Groups formed of its members. 
1. Technology of Ortho-photo 
2. Precision in Maps 
3. Automation in Photogrammetry 
4. Revision Methods. 
Following the foundation of TNAP five sub-committees have been 
established with the purpose of determination and arrangement of the 
problems faced in the country relevant to the fields of subject of Com- 
mission V. These sub-committees carry out studies to investigate the 
possiblities of taking advantage of photogrammetry in the fields of city 
and regional planning, archeology, architecture, traffic and terresterial 
movements in construction works. 
Within the period of 1974-1976, plan, cross-section, front and 
geological studies are made in Istanbul-Ürgüp and Safranbolu with aerial 
and terresterial photogrammetric methods. 
Some examples to the use of photogrammetry in architecture can be 
the projects of 1/50 scale Antik Side Theatre, Demre Theatre, Sofa resi- 
dence in Topkapi Palace, historical houses and buildings in the liman 
district of Antalya, Clock Tower in Çorum, Antalya/Perge Propylaeum, 
Water Tower of Efes, Citadel of Yan and Küçüksu Castle in istanbul. 
Archeological investigations are carried out with the use of aeri- 
al photogrammetry for research and documentation of historical ruins per- 
taining to the likya age in the Mediterreneam Region. 
The results achieved are published in the form of brochures. 
Map production with photogrammetric methods started in our country 
in 1929 with the technique of terresterial photogrammetry and since 1937 
aerial photogrammetry is adopted. With the use of this method, the produc 
tion of 1/25.000 topographic map series is completed and 1/5.000 scale ST 
maps are under production. In addition to these, special maps at other 
scales and with purposes suitable to be requirements of various organiza- 
tions are produced, too. 

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