Full text: National reports (Part 2)

At the two official organizations responsible for map production 
in Turkey (namely the General Directorate of Mapping, and the General 
Directorate of Land Registeration and Cadastre.) military and civilian 
surveying engineers and technic ians are employed. Academic establishments 
graduating survey engineers are the Technical Universities of Istanbul 
and the Black Sea; State Engineering and Architecture Academies of Istan- 
bul and Konya; and the Survey Training School of the Ministry of National 
Defence. Research works in the field of Mapping are carried out by the 
producing agencies and the educational foundations. 
Commission VI fulfills its tasks with the Working Groups of 
1)Terminology; 2) Publications; 3) Planning; 4) Training, "The Glossary 
of Mapping Terms" covering also photogrammetric terms, with the German, 
English and French equivalents, is being reviewed and aimed to be publis- 
hed shortly. 
Other than the map production works, various activities are carri- 
ed out in our country in connection with aerial photo interpretation, 
which densely started 15 years ago. Particularly four official organiza- 
tions are systematically involved in photo interpretation. 
At the Directorate of Mineralogical Researches, mineral layers 
are examined on 1/35.000 black-white photographs and geological maps are 
prepared. In the close examination of the important details, 1/15.000 and 
1/20.000 scale photographs are used, 
Since 1973 advantage is taken of the remote sensing technique, 
and techtonic maps covering the Tauros area are produced benefiting from 
ERTS images. 
Various aerial photographs shall be utilized further in planned 
works at certain regions of the country. 
Aerial photo-interpretation is widely benefited at the General 
Directorate of State Water Works in activities such as determination, 
control and protection of the underground water resources of Turkey and 
its ofference to the use of the water reserves existing in the meadows 
and basins for agricultural irrigation, their geological and lithological 
specifications, water quality and output, and in all the other geo-techni 
cal services. T 
Since 1963 aerial photographs are profited in amanagement planning 
by the General Directorate of Forestry. Within the period of 1963-1972 
aerial photographs of 1/20.000 covering all the forest areas of the coun 
try are taken, Later in 1972, photography at 1/15.000was started to be 
taken with the use of the photographs homogenous units are determined in 
accordance with "closeness, age classification, wood types and etc", and 
thus amanagement planning is prepared with field edit of the mentioned 
interpretation results achieved. In the last decade interpretation is 
done on approximately 120,000 aerial photographs, 
Advantage is widely taken of the aerial photographs also in the 
study of air pollution, effects of erosion and arboriculture.

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