Department of Energy Works and Studies carries out geo-technical
studies in the areas of dams and hydro-electric power plants with use of
1/8000 and 1/35.000 aerial photographs since 1970, Geological maps at the
scales of 1/1.000 and 1/25.000 covering numerous dam areas as Keban, Ma-
navgat -Oymapinar, Ceyhan Berke and Seyhan Kavsak are produced using
aerial photographs.
In steep areas where identification cannot be done with aerial
photos, terrestrial photography is used.
Some of the research activities carried out in Turkey since 1972
are summarized below:
Department of Photogrammetry and adjustment:
A comparison of mono and streo-comparators and possibilities of
use of mono-comparators in land register surveying.
Researcher: Dr.Orhan ALTAN
In the first chapter the problem is explained. In the second
chapter the fundamentals of aerial triangulationand several block trian-
gulation methods are discussed. While the measured picture coordinates
are used as independent observations in the adjustment calculation, the
bundle adjustment method (fully analytical method) is selected as the
block triangulation method, This method and its computer programmes are
explained in the light of the obtained results.
In the third chapter precision of the comparators, which are used
in this study, are given, Furthermore, the results of the three different
measurements (twice monocular, once stereoscopic) of block '"Gramasteten"
are treated in detail. Ground coordinates, which are obtained from bundle
adjustment are compared with the terrestially surveyed coordinates of mo-
re than 100 control points. The results are given as graphical represen-
tation and interpreted statistically.
In the fourth chapter the results of various adjustments of block
"Gramasteten' are compared with the results of the present work.
In the chapter the results of a measurement and adjustment of a
land-register block are given and it is shown that the monocomparator
can be used in land-register surveying.
A comparison of analog and analytic aerial triangulation methods
from the points of view of accuracy, velocity and economy under local
conditions of Turkey.
Researcher: Dr.Erdogan ORUKLU