Wainco Photoprocessors
Williamson Manufacturing Co Ltd
Wiltshire County Council
Universities and Colleges
University of Aberdeen,
Department of Geography
University College of Wales,
Department of Geography
University of Aston in
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Birmingham,
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Bristol,
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Cambridge,
Committee for Aerial Photography
Polytechnic of Central London,
Civil Engineering Unit
The City University:
Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Visual Science
University of Durham,
Department of Geography
University of Edinburgh,
Department of Forestry &
4 Cromwell Road St Neots
Huntingdon PE19 2JT
Hawthorn Road
Willesden London NW10 2LS
County Hall
Trowbridge BA14 8JE
St Mary's High Street
Old Aberdeen AB9 2UF
Llandinam Building
Penglais Aberystwyth
Dyfed SY23 3DB Wales
Gosta Green
Birmingham B4 7ET
PO Box 363
Birmingham B15 2TT
Queen's Building
University Walk
Bristol BS8 ITR
11 West Road
Cambridge CB3 9DP
35 Marylebone Road
London NW1 5LS
St John Street
London EC1V 4PB
South Road
Durham DHl1 3LE
King's Buildings
Mayfield Road
Huntingdon 72651
01-459 0073
Trowbridge 3641
Ext 2870
Aberdeen 40241
Aberystwyth 3111
021-359 3611
Ext 221
021-472 1301
Bristol 24161
Ext 134
Cambridge 5
01-486 5811
01-253 4399
Durham 64971
031-667 1081
Ext 2723
J M Dale
A J Haggata
County Planning Officer
R Wright
R L Collin
W G Collins
R G Bird
Professor RTS
oe Vt
Professor J K S St Jo
J L Ellis
N E Lindsey
C H Bedwell
Professor W B Fish
I Langdale-Brown
University o
University C
and Surveyin
University o!
Institute of S
Department :
University o!
North East I
Department :
University o!
Department «
University oi
Department «
Portsmouth ]
Department «
Department «
jueen's Univ
Department «
Department c
Royal Militar
Structures B:
Natural Resources Edinburgh EH9 3JU
University of
041-339 8855
Ext 7403
University of Glasgow, Glasgow Gl2 8QQ G Petrie
! 5 Department c
Department of Geography
School of Mil
Hatfield Polytechnic, PO Box 109 Hatfield 68100 C M G Francis
School of Natural Sciences College Lane Hatfield Ext 362
Herts AL10 9AB I
niversity of
PS ; ; Department c
Kingston Hall Road 01-546 2151 L S Kelly
Kingston upon Thames
Surrey KT1 2AQ
Kingston College of Further n
Rind E Engineering
Department of General Studies
Department o
Canbury Park Road 01-549 0151 W Schofield
Kingston upon Thames
Surrey KT2 6LQ
Kingston Polytechnic,
School of Civil Engineering
University of
s i : Department o
Coventry 24166 P A Greengrass
[Lanchester Polytechnic, Priory Street Coventry
Department of Civil Engineering . : :
pe X g g University Cc
& Building D
U g Department 0
University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT Leeds 31751 J Hogg Welsh Natic
Rh els Na oni
School of Geography Dental School
TT : ; Department o
University of London:
Imperial College of Science & University of
I'echnology Institute of A«
Department of Civil Engineering Imperial Institute Road 01-589 5111 B Chiat Architectural
London SW7 Photogramme