Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Photography Division 
Color Committee Aerial Photography Committee 
Image Quality Committee Multi-Spectral Committee 
Space Photography Committee Underwater Photography Committee 
Coherent Optics Committee 
Photogrammetric Surveys Division 
Mapping Committee Computational Photogrammetry Committee 
Charting Committee Close-Range Photogrammetry Committee 
Cadastral-Surveys Committee Extraterrestrial Applications Committee 
Transportation and Fngineering Surveys Committee 
Committee on Photogrammetric Standards 
Remote Sensing and Interpretation Division 
Engineering Applications Committee Water Resources Committee 
Forest and Range Resources Committee Military Applications Committee 
Agriculture and Plant Science Committee Oceanography & Marine Resources 
Geography and Planning Committee Committee 
Geology and Mineral Resources Committee Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences 
Education and Interpretive Skills Committee 
Sensor Systems and Analysis Equipment Committee 
Automated Imagery Processing Techniques Committee 
Under the guidance and direction of the Program Planning Committee, 
the technical divisions have planned and presented coordinated programs 
at each Annual and Fall Technical Meeting of the Society. In addition, 
each division has sponsored technical meetings and conducted various 
studies and investigations within its assigned area. There follows a 
summary of significant achievements: (* Indicates proceedings of the 
technical meetings are available from the Society.) 
Photography Division 
Fourth Biennial Workshop on Color Aerial Photography in the Plant 
Sciences and Related Fields. (University of Maine at Orono, 
July 1973.) 
Orthophoto Workshop -II. (San Jose, California, January 1973. )* 
Fifth Biennial Workshop on Color Aerial Photography in the Plart 
Sciences and Related Fields. (Sioux Falls, SD, August 1975. )* 
Symposium (with SPIE), Coherent Optics in Mapping. (Rochester, NY, 
March 1974. ) 
Workshop, Environmental Applications of Multi-Spectral Imagery. 
(Fort Belvoir, VA, November 1975. )* 

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