Full text: National reports (Part 2)

A system for applying digital image processing to mapping and charting 
problems is under development (Gambino and Crombie, 197h; Rastatter, 1975). 
The input-output device, the DICOMED, is used off-line. The software 
system is called DIMFS (Digital Image Manipulation and Enhancement 
System). The system can be used for picture generation, manipulation 
of intensity or geometry. detail emphasis, and detection of differences 
between pictures. 
Investigations are in progress towards devising mapping systems 
utilizing the principles of coherent optics. Studies in progress 
relate to optical point transfer, instantaneous profiling and contouring, 
differential distortion correction for slope, epipolar scanning, and : 
correlation for automating contour data generation (Mikhail, 1975). 
The AS-11B-X Plotter is designed to generate digital elevation data 
at very high rates and accuracy (Scarano and Brumm, 1975). This system 
will serve as an experimental test bed for a prototype of Advanced © 
Compilation Equipment (ACE). 
The AS-11B-1 Plotter has been modified to profile at extremely precise 
intervals (Sutterfield, 1972). These modifications provide the advantages 
of minimum post-processing, non-redundance of data, convenient edit 
capability, rapid response, and minimum model-tie problems. 
The off-line orthophoto printer system is a digitally controlled optical 
instrument which operates independently of any plotter. Either a 
rectified photograph, an orthophotograph, or an orthophoto stereomate 
may be produced (Scarano and Jeric, 1973). 
The Advanced Cartographic System (ACS)is a total system of hardware 
and software to produce an entire map by digital methods. The input 
is usually analog (model, photo, graphic line map, etc.) which is 
converted to digital. The manipulation step allows for changes in 
scale, projection, or resolution. The output is a cartographic product 
of the type desired (Sippel, 1975; Premer, 1974; Hall, 1974). 
An Automated Cartographic System is being developed to provide complete 
digital chart-production capability for hydrographic applications (Dixon, 
1974). When a specific product is desired, the data are extracted from 
the digital files and input to a digital compilation device which is 
capable of seale and projection adjustments. The output is a tape which 
may Le the final product or which may be used on a graphic finishing 
device to produce a conventional product. 
Experiments in digital image analysis (Turinetti and Mintzer, 1973) 
have shown that, of the six pattern elements used in photointerpretation, 
tone alone can be used to calssify land uses. An interactive system for 
automatic classification of image patterns has been developed. 

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