Full text: National reports (Part 2)

At the Ohio Department of Transportation, the digitizing of photo- 
grammetric data using Kelsh plotters, the Bendix Datagrid, and the 
AP/C analytical plotter is controlled by digital control computers. 
The control computers are used to process the digitized data or as 
terminals to transmit data to a large central computer. 
The Texas Highway Department is working on the photogrammetric develop- 
ment of a data bank for engineering (Howell, 1971). Through digitizing 
methodology and computer software routines, the imagery extracted from 
the aerial photographs (through a modified stereoplotter) is deposited 
into a data bank for use in multidisciplinary engineering-management 
applications. Once a data file has been built for the terrain surface, 
it can then be used to generate cross-sections along any specified 
baseline alignment which has been previously stored (Crawford and 
Guess, 1974). 0 
The Utah Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service has 
developed an automated system for the production of rectified scaled 
photographs (Dickson, 1974). The hardware includes a point-transfer 
device, a monocomparator with digitizer and papertape, a minicomputer, 
‘ and an autorectifier. 
A study by the Control Data Corporation on the design of digital 
image-processing systems (Lillestrand and Hoyt, 1974) concludes that 
classical analog techniques for measuring and generating film images 
are superior; however, digital techniques are superior for image 
A Purdue University study on the application of ADP techniques to 
digital photographs (Hoffer, Anuta, and Phillips, 1972) concluded that 
ADP of digitized photography is suitable for small-scale photography 
but must have close human supervision to avoid problems. Í 0 
Researchers at the State University of New fork, Binghamton, developed 
a multivariate model for automatic pattern recognition from thermal 
infrared densities (Hsu, 1975). 
A system developed at the Farth Satellite Corporation uses a combined 
microdensitometer and monocomparator to measure XY and density values. 
The output is a digital terrain model and a computer-generated hypso- 
graphic map of the terrain (Van Rossel, 1972). 
A procedure for automatic mapping of strip-mine operations from space- 
craft data was developed at Bendix and Ohio State University (Rogers, 
Reed, and Pettyjohn, 1974). Spectral recognition is used as a basis 
for automatic target categorization and mapping. 

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