Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Thompson, HM. M., and Mikhail, E. M., 1976, Automation in Photogrammetry-- 
Recent Developments and Applications 1972-76: Invited Paper, Commission 
IV, 13th Congress of ISP. 
Turinetti, J. D., and Mintzer, 0. W., 1973, Computer Analysis of Imagery: 
Photogrammetric Engineering, no. 5, pe 7501. 
Van Roessel, J., 1972, Digital Hypsographic Map Compilation: 
Photogrammetric Engineering, no. ll, p. 1106, 
Wertheimer, A., and Givens, M. P., 1974, Rapid Contour Generation: 
Photogrammetric Engineering, no. 4. p. 467. 
Wood, K. B., Gross, S. B., and MacPherson, C. H., 1974, Automation 
with the Wild Al0 Plotter: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of ASP, 
p. 399. 
Yoritomo, K., 1976, Instrumentation for Automated Photogrammetry: 
Invited paper, Commission II, 13th Congress of ISP, 

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