Full text: National reports (Part 2)

der Hovanesian, J. and Tafralian, M., 1974. "Bicontour Evaluation by 
New Moire Difference Method," Bio '74 
Hugg, J.E., 1974. "A Portable Dual Camera for Biostereometrics," 
Bio '74 
Karara, H.M. and Abdel-Aziz, Y.I., 1974. "Accuracy Aspects of Non- 
Metric Imageries," PE, September 
Karara, H.M., 1974a. "Aortic Heart Valve Geometry," PE, December 
Karara, H.M., 1974b. "Recent Developments and Trends in Close-Range 
Photogrammetry," Memorias der Primer Congreso Panamericano y 
Tercero National de Fotogrametria, Fotointerpretcion y 
Geodesia, Mexico City 
Karara, H.M., 1975. "Photogrammetric Potentials of Small-Format Camera 
Systems," SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 58 
Kenefick, J.F., 1975. "Use of the P31 in Shipbuilding." Unpublished 
Keys, C. W.; Whittle, M.W., Herron, R.E.3y Cuzzi, J.R.. 1975. 
"Biostereometrics in Aerospace Medicine." CRPS 
Leighty, R.D., 1975. "Potential Applications of Coherent Optics to 
Close-Range Photogrammetric Systems," CRPS 
Lippert, F.G., 1973. "The Feasibility of Photogrammetry as a Clinical 
Research Tool," Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 6 
Lippert, F.G.; Hussain, M.; Veress, S.A., 1974. "The Application of 
Photogrammetry to Three-Dimensional Studies Upon the 
Musculoskeletal System,' Bio '74 
Lippert, F.G.; Veress, S.A.; Takamoto, T., 1975. "Experimental 
Studies of Patellan Motion Using X-Ray Photogrammetry," 
Loomer, S.A. and Wolf, P.R., 1974. "Terrestrial Photogrammetric 
Measurements of Surface Water Velocities,' ASP 
Proceedings, September 
Malhotra, R.C., 1972. "Profiling Microcraters Using Stereomicrographs," 
ASP Proceedings, March 
Marzan, G.T. and Karara, H.M., 1975. "A Computer Program for the 
Direct Linear Transformation Solution of the Colinearity 
Condition, and Some Applications of it," CRPS 

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