Full text: National reports (Part 2)

The following information has been furnished by universities offering 
graduate programs in photogrammetry. Not all universities responded 
to the request for data. The activities described are therefore 
representative of U.S. educational institutions rather than a 
comprehensive summary. 
1l. Research continued on the photogrammetric potentials of 
non-metric cameras. A data reduction approach particularly suitable 
for non-metric Photography was developed and is widely used. Research 
is currently under way on the simplification of object-space control 
requirements for close-range photogrammetry. 
2, A highly efficient and versatile computer program was 
developed, combining all photogrammetric and geodetic measurements 
into a single simultaneous, least-squares adjustment in three dimensions 
3. Further development of mathematical models for the geometric 
calibration of the Return Beam Vidicon (RBV) television system which 
was flown in ERTS-1; and experimental studies to determine the geometric 
and cartographic accuracy of the RBV as well as Multi Spectral Scanner 
(MSS) images from ERTS-1. 
4. . Development of mathematical and statistical techniques for 
deriving surficial soil information from digital terrain data. 
5. The University hosted the Symposium on Close-Range Photo- 
grammetric Systems July 28 - August 1, 1975. The meeting was sponsored 
by ASP (Close-Range Photogrammetry Committee and Computational 
Photogrammetry Committee), in cooperation with ISP Commission V. 
Research Projects 
l. Archeological and architectural mapping of Indian puebloes 
in New Mexico from large scale aerial photography and terrestrial 
(phototheodolite) photography was done for the Historic American 
Buildings Program by the National Park Service, U.S. Department of 

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