Not all Federal mapping organizations provided information on
their photogrammetric activities. The following descriptions are
therefore typical of the programs and research undertaken, rather
than a comprehensive Summary.
Kirk E. Williams
Photogrammetry is regularly employed in the location and design
of electric power transmission systems. Routine applications include
semi-analytical aerotriangulation, topographic and planimetric mapping,
profiling and cross sectioning along roads and transmission lines, and
delineation of land use. :
A unique procedure developed by BPA is an automated data processing
program to assist in the design of transmission tower leg extensions
from data introduced directly to the computer from a digitized stereo-
A second unique procedure employs photogrammetric ground cross
sections and true height measurements to determine which trees would
be dangerous to a transmission line and need to be removed. This
"danger tree monitor" system consists of a 16K mini-computer (Honeywell
316H) connected through Autotrol digitizing equipment to a Santoni
Stereo-Simplex IIC or to a Kelsh plotter. Information relative to the
tower positions, conductor elevations, and ground cross sections is
stored in the computer. The stereoplotter operator positions the
plotter at the top of a particular tree, and by observing which of four
colored lights the computer activates, can establish clearing limits
and individual tree removal requirements. The computer program
permits the plotter operator to anticipate tree growth over a period
of years which allows for selection of those trees which will become
dangerous to the transmission facilities within any given period.
BPA has purchased two Bendix Corporation US-1 analytical plotters
which will be used for all existing photogrammetric operations.
Morton A. Meyer
The U.S. Bureau of the Census of the Department of Commerce and the
U.S. Agency for International Development (AID) of the Department of
State have been working together to develop the uses of satellite
imagery in gathering or generating population data for developing countries.