Full text: National reports (Part 2)

C. Image format maps in color infrared and single band 
at scales of 1:250,000, 1:500,000, and 1:1,000,000. 
These include several maps in Antarctica where Landsat 
images have disclosed errors and changes in existing 
d. Use of mirrors to reflect sunlight to the spacecraft 
as a possible means of marking ground points whose position 
is known or to be determined. 
Other experiments used the S190A and S190B photographs from 
Skylab to prepare black/white, color, and color infrared mosaics at 
scales of 1:50,000 to 1:250,000. 
James Collins 
Significant photogrammetric activities in the Coastal Mapping 
Division include: 
1l. The technique of stellar camera calibration has been reduced 
to a production operation. Typical calibrations involve several two and 
one-half hour chopped time exposures of a clear star field for a 
particular aperture/filter setting, double measurements of over 2400 
star images covering the full format of each exposure plate, and 
computer reduction of four exposure plates in a simultaneous least 
camera systems. 
2. An observation procedure and software package was developed 
to provide a rapid quality control check of all measuring stages of 
precision comparators used in photogrammetry. The mathematical model 
is an exact solution of the general linear affine transformation problem, 
from which the calibration parameters are exactly derived functions. í 0 
A rigorous statistical analysis of all results and System components is 
included to isolate errors attributed to the pointings, the grid used, 
the comparator, and the residual system noise. 
3. An analytical aerotriangulation of S-190B Skylab photographs 
utilized a 350 mile strip of 12 frames with 14 identified control points. 
On 15 test points a RMS position error of 15 meters was attained. 
4. The National Ocean Survey (NOS) has been utilizing the 
remarkable water penetration capability of several film emulsions: and 
their dramatic presentation of submerged detail as a supplement for 
mapping the seabed in shoals and waters of moderate depth.  Photogram- 
metric surveys preceding hydrography can show many of the rocks, reefs, 
shallow areas, and other features, thereby assisting the hydrographer 
-56- í M

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