peripherals, a VDI, display monitors, and user-oriented software for
extensive image manipulation, image analysis, dynamic simulation modeling,
and spatial data base management. SIGHT, a microprocessor-controlled
VDI, includes self-contained image storage, thus permitting stand-alone
or remote operations.
Joseph O. Danko, Jr.
The prototype of the K-320 ORTHOSCAN was displayed at the 1972
ISP Congress in Ottawa. The production model, introduced in 1973.
is now producing a large volume of orthophotography, sometimes on
a three shift basis, for use in many mapping fields. The instrument
is described by Danko (1973).
Absolute orientation of the three projector stereo model makes
use of digital readouts displayed on the K-320 console and micrometer
scales on the X bar elevating screws. The procedure is described in
Danko (1974).
During the past few years, the K-320 ORTHOSCAN has developed into
an orthophoto system, partly because of the ingenuity of its users and
partly due to optional features that have been added to it by the
factory. The elements of the system that attracted particular attention
were the Digital Terrain Model output from the K-320 tape, the feasi-
bility of a data bank input to the K-320, and the work with color
orthophotography. These are described in Danko (1975).
1. Danko, J.O. 1973. A New Concept in Orthophotography.
Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. 39, No. ll, November
2. --- 1974. Quick Orientation of the K-320 Orthoscan.
Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. 40, No. 9, September
3. --- 1975. The Kelsh K-320 Orthoscan -- An Orthophoto
System. ASP Orthophoto Workshop III, San Antonio
H. J. Wehrii
Two developments in the KERN line of photogrammetric instrumentation
were made entirely in the United States.
The PG 2-AT consists of a PG-2 stereo plotter fitted with XYZ
encoders and the AT automatic plotting table with a hard-wired
microprocessor which permits interchange of all three axes and
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