Errors or Variations in Component MTF's
The shaded area in Fig. 2 represents the range of on-axis MTF's for
the lens systems of two Wild RC 8's (Universal Aviogon), a Zeiss RMK AR
15/23 (Pleogon AR), and a Zeiss RMK A 30/23 (Topar A) as measured by
Rosenbruch (1976), Martin (1976), and Welch and Halliday (1973) using
different techniques. The extreme variations in the measured lens MTF's
ranges from about 10 percent response at 10 cy/mm to 20 percent at 100
cy/mm. Variations of this magnitude are reduced to an insignificant
level when the Tens MTF's are cascaded with other component MTF's such
as that for 20 um of image motion (Fig. 3), indicating that variations
in individual system components must be rather large before their effects
on image quality will be noticed. For example, the range of predicted
system resolution values (as determined by method 3a in Table II) due to
the variation in lens MTF's is 36-41 Tpr/mm and 41-47 lpr/mm for 1.6:1
and 2:1 contrast targets recorded under static laboratory conditions on
EK 2402 film (Fig. 2), and 28-30 and 30-33 lpr/mm when 20 um of image
motion is introduced (Fig. 3).
In actual tests of Wild RC8 and Zeiss RMK A 30/23 cameras loaded
with EK 2402 film, laboratory resolution values for a 2:1 contrast target
averaged 41 lpr/mm and operational values for a 1.8:1 target contrast
(at the camera lens) averaged 27 lpr/mm, confirming the predicted esti-
mates (Welch and Halliday, 1973). It is evident from this example that
reasonable variations in lens (or film) MTF's (e.g. + 10%) are unlikely
to significantly effect system performance as judged by MTF, resolution
or overall image interpretability.
Non-linearity of the Photographic Process
The non-linearities of the photographic process introduced by the
film D-log E curve and adjacency effects were discussed by De Belder,
Jones, Sorem and Welander (1972) and remain of concern. However, non-
linearity problems can be minimized by selecting targets that are recorded
on the straight line portion of the D-log E curve and produce a AD of
approximately 0.4 to 1.0 (Fig. 4a). The situations in Fig. 4b,c, repre-
senting targets recorded on the toe and shoulder of the D-log E curve,
Should be avoided. If MTF's must be derived from second-generation images
(as in the case of Skylab) extreme target density values should lie on the
linear portions of the D-log E curves of both first- and second-generation
products. Assuming that targets are recorded on the straight line segment
of the D-log E curve, the film y can be used to numerically compute the
exposure values required for MTF calculations; thus avoiding time consuming
point-by-point interpolations from the D-log E curve.
Target Fidelity
Most operational system performance evaluations are based on
measurements of imaged edges (method 2a in Table II), and the size and
sharpness of these edge targets is of critical importance. Size require-
ments for imaged edge targets are determined primarily by the width of
the system spread function which for most photogrammetric camera systems
varies from 30-100 um, with 40-60 um representative of on-axis conditions
for Wild or Zeiss Cameras employed with a typical mapping film. For an
image recorded by a sensor system with a 40-60 um spread function a pattern