and taking into account data bank systems. Two
To be taken into consideration for its analogy also the resolution No. 3, recom- conn
mending to evaluate the possibilities and limitations of digital components ver- pos]
sus analogue components of the various instrumentations, and part of resolution due
No. 4, recommending to evaluate the economy of automated instruments as compared Stru
with the conventional ones. the
The Work Group II-3 was therefore maintained, though changing its name into "Au- The
tomatic and Digital Instruments”; the chair was taken by Dr. Yoritomo, from U.S. year
ARMY, Fort Belvoir. ded
Apart from the activity of this Work Group which held a general meeting in Tu- 3) The
rin, October 1974, a contribution to the discussion of the various items raised inst
in the mentioned resolutions was given by the 2nd Commission Symposium, held ine
Turin in October 1974, whose main topic was "The role of digital components in To t
Photogrammetric Instruments". call
an i
Before the beginning of the Symposium there have been common and separate mee- toda:
tings of the Working Groups II-2 (standard test), II-3 (Automated and Digital the
Instruments) and II-4 (Ortho-photo equipments). vols
The state of researches has been pin-pointed and the activities for the Helsinki an il
Congress have been coordinated. sums
Twelve papers submitted by experts in the field were discussed in this Sympo- A fi
sium, in which 53 experts from 12 countries took part. metr:
It was thus possible to point out how the contribution given by digital compo- Perf
nents becomes increasingly important day by day; that it is the task of photo- ment
grammetric instrument designers to quickly catch up with these rapidly develo- conc
ping technologies; possibilities and trends were discussed. From
Also, the aspects were discussed connected with the production of the photogram orth
metric software that the production of analytical or automated instruments im- lity
plies of necessity. photc
Classification were submitted as regards digital components of integrated photo prodi
grammetric systems, as well as the use of these components with a view to sol- grap:
ving the problems involved in the D.T.M. production. Chop!
Interesting contributions were given by the introduction of new analitical plot All
ting equipment, on the analytically performed correction of distribution effects Stam
and various distortions of photogrammetric equipment optical systems, as well The (
as interesting comparisons between the in-line and out-of-line techniques for @ |
the processing of photogrammetric data. in su