Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 3)

/9/ R.Bernstein 
"Digital Image Processing of 
Earth Observation Sensor Data" 
IBM Journal of Research and 
Development, Jan 1976,pp 40-57 
/10/ E. Bosman,E.Clerici,D.Eckhart,K.Kubik 
"KARIN - A Programme System 
for the Mapping of Remote Sensing 
Information"Comm. III 
ISP Congress,Ottawa 1972 
/11/ E.Bosman,E.Clerici,D.Eckhart,K.Kubik 
"Projekt Karaka 
Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen 
/12/ E. Bosman,E.Clerici,D.Eckhart,K.Kubik 
"Transformation of Points from 
Side-Looking Radar Images into 
the Map System" 
Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen, 
Vol.1972,No 2 
/15/4J.B. Case 
"The Analytical Reduction of 
Panoramic and Strp 
Photography, Photogrammetria 
1977,pp 127 
/14/ W.Chapelle et al. 
"The Precision Processing Subsystem 
for the Earth Resources 
Technology Satellite" 
Comm. II,ISP Congress,Ottawa 1972 
/15/ E.Clerici,D.Eckhart,K.Kubik 
"MARS - A processing system for the mapping 
of remote sensing data" 
ISP Comm, III Symposium, Stuttgart 1974 
/16/ Colvocorresses A. 
"ERTS - A Satellite Imagery, 
/11/ Colvocorresses A. 
"Image Resolution for ERTS, 
Skylab and Gemini/Apollo 
/18/ A.Colvocorresses & R.Mac Ewen 
"Eros Cartographic Progress" 

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