The statistical checking succeeds in two subsequent steps.
At first it is investigated, whether the corresponding correc-
tion terms of the different parameter groups differ significant-
ly from each other, If this is not the case the concerned para-
meters are combined to one parameter, Thereby the individual
correction terms (bj, bo, ...) can be treated separately. This
is possible because the additional parameters are nearly ortho-
gonal and influence each other only slightly. With the corre-
spondingly combined parameters the block adjustment then is re-
In the second step the significance of the remained correction
terms is checked and weight e (10?9) is given to the insigni -
ficant parameters, A last repetition run then gives the final
It easily can be realized, that both steps of this procedure can
be performed automatically by the program, so that the program
user has not to be burdened by the valuation of the obtained
Correction terms and the according consequences,
The sophisticated two step procedure, suggested here, guarantees,
that only the well determined additional parameters are finally
used. In that way optimum reliability is attained.
Of course, the computing time of block adjustment increases when
simultaneous self calibration is implemented. In practice how-
ever, the additional amount will not be very high, because the
correction terms usually will only be put up with the very last
runs, whilst the first runs by which the gross errors of the
data are detected and eliminated, will be performed as up to now,
For a practical test of the suggested strategy a part of the
test block Oberschwaben was used. The author appreciates that
the OEEPE has made this valuable material available. The chosen
Sub block is built by the wide angle strips 5, 7, 9 and 11 and
consists of 100 models (terrain area = 20 . 62.5 km2). All con-
trol points and tie points were targeted. The flight was per-
formed with a Zeiss RMK A 15/23 camera at a photo scale of
1:28 000. A Zeiss PSK stereocomparator was used for image
Starting from the same image coordinates the block adjustments
were performed by bundles and by independent models. In the
second case the models were formed computationally.
The bundle block adjustments were computed at the Technical
University of Munich, using the self calibrating program, deve-
loped by Dr. Grün |15|. The flexibility of this program with
respect to the functional model allowed to use exactly the 12
additional image parameters, suggested in 3,1, The block adjust-
ments by independent models were performed at Stuttgart Uni-
versity, using the self calibration program of Mr. Schneider,
This program was developed to test the concept of simultaneous
self calibration before an integration into the program package
PAT-M |14|. For the given support the author is grateful to
Dr. Grün and to Mr. Schneider.