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Junkins et al [37] use minor variations in this procedure. In the first
step, polynomials of the third degree are used, the computation is performed for
two sets of four points and the values of x' and y' obtained from the two sets are
meaned. In the second step, a polynomial of the fifth degree is used. This
polynomial has the required values of x' and y' at the end points and it fits at
four discreet points. Killian and Meiss1 [40] use cubic spline curves, here also,
without giving detailed formulas.
The statement that the produced contour lines are smooth must be limited
by the obvious requirement that the used s-distances of the discreet points in the
second step be the same as those in the first step. The actual values of these
distances are to some extent arbitrary. However, a different choice of distances
leads to different values of x' and of y' and, therefore, of the tangents of the
contour line at the discreet points. Presumably, but this should be more
thoroughly checked, it makes little difference whether the used s-distances are
equal to the chord lengths or equal to the actual lengths along the curves.
0f interest would also be a comparison of contour lines obtained by
parametric and by non-parametric functions.
i. Reviews and comparisons
[1] 1967. Bulletin No. 27, Société Frangaise de Photogrammetrie. Papers
presented at the Symposium of the Inter-Commission Working Group on
Highway Engineering of the ISP in Paris, June 1967.
(1) Baussart, M., and Bonneval, H., La photographie aérienne dans les études
Blaschke, W., Le modèle digital M.I.T.
Nordin, H., La représentation digitale du terrain en vue de la mesure
des profils en long et en travers pour les projets routiers.
Viita, E., La mise au point, en Finlande, de la méthode par surfaces.
Hallmén, B., La représentation Nordisk ADB du terrain.
Deligny, J.L., La méthode du semis de points et les programmes français
de calcul électronique des tracés.
Intercommission Working Group V/IV of the ISP, Digital Terrain Model
- à presentation of the practical application of some existing DTMs.
International Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol. XVII, Part 2.
(1) Williams, J., The Terra Model
(2) Viita, E., The Finnish Model
(3) Hallmén, B., The Nordisk ADB Model
(4) Adolffson, B., The VV-DTM
(5) Linkwitz, K., The DTM-Stuttgart.
[3] 1970. Linkwitz, K., Digitale Geldndemodelle, BuL 38, 1.