Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 3)

= 19 - 
1972. Torlegärd, K., Digital terrain models - general survey and Swedish 
experiences, BuL 40, 1. 
1972. Working Group IV/1 of the ISP, Photogrammetry in highway design. 
Report to the XIIth Congress, Ottawa. 
1972. Grist, M.W., Digital ground models: an account of recent research. 
PR 7, 40. 
1972. Peucker, T.K., Computer Cartography. Resource Paper No. 17 of the 
Commission on College Geography of the Association of American 
Geographers, Washington, D.C. 20009. 
Leberl, F., Interpolation in square grid DTM. The ITC Journal, 5. 
Schut, G.H., Two interpolation methods. PE 40, 12. 
Geodätische Woche Köln 1975 - Beiträge zum digitalen Geländemodell. 
BuL 43, 3. 
Dorrer, E., Gedanken zum digitalen Geldndemodell. 
Gottschalk, H.J., and Neubauer, H.G., Herstellung eines digitalen 
Fuchs, H., Das DGM im Braunkohlentagebau. 
Bauhuber, F., Erlacher, V., and Günther, P., Ein Programmsystem für die 
Behandlung digitaler Hóhenmodelle. 
(5) Rapior, L., and Bopp, D., Weiterentwicklung des Programmes "Auswertung 
Digitales Gelándemodell". 
[11] 1975. Leberl, F., Photogrammetric interpolation. PE 41, 5; also in The 
ITC Journal No. 2, 1975. 
ii Individual interpolation methods 
[12] Anon., CALCOMP: a general purpose contouring program. California Computer 
Products, Anaheim, California, 1971. 
[13] Arthur, D.W.G., Interpolation of a function of many variables. PE 31, 2, 
[14] Arthur, D.W.G., Interpolation of a function of many variables II. PE 39, 3, 
[15] Assmus, E., Extension of Stuttgart contour program to treating terrain break- 
lines. Proceedings of the Symposium of Comm. III of the ISP, Stuttgart, 
[16] Autume, G. de Masson d', L'interpolation par une régle flexible et ses 
applications en photogrammétrie numérique.  XIIIth Congress of the ISP, 
presented paper, 1976. 
[17] Baetslé, P.-L., Une nouvelle méthode d'interpolation à deux dimensions 
assurant le raccord continu de levés partiels. BGeSA 33, 2, 1974. 
[18] Baussart, M., Photogrammetry and civil engineering in France. PR 6, 31, 

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