Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 3)

- 22. 
Marckwardt, M., Das Zeichnen von Kurvenzügen mit dem Cartimat System des 
VEB Carl Zeiss Jena. Vt 22, 6, 1974. 
Maxwell, D.A., Mathematical surface approximation of the terrain. Highway 
Research Record, 319, 1970. 
Miller, C.L., and Laflamme, R.A., The digital terrain model - theory and 
application. PE 24, 3, 1958. 
Nakamura, H., On digital terrain models. International Archives of 
Photogrammetry, Vol. XVII, Part 10, Presented paper 5-26, 1969. 
Rhind, D.W., Automated contouring - an empirical evaluation of some differing 
techniques. CJ 8, 2, 1971. 
[64] Schult, R., Ein System digitaler Gelándemodelle. AVN 81, 8, 1974. 
[65] Silar, F., Zum Problem der Approximation der Geländefläche bei der 
Erdmassenbestimmung. Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress 
of Surveyors (FIG), Commission 6, Paper 603.2, 1971. 
[66] Silar, F., Das digitale Gelündemodell. Theorie und Praxis. Vt 20, 9, 1972. 
[67] Sima, J., Prinzipien des CS digitalen Gelündemodells. Vt 20, 2, 1972. 
[68] Stanger, W., The Stuttgart contour program - description and results. 
Extract from F. Ackermann: Numerische Photogrammetrie, Sammlung 
Wichmann, 1973, translated and reprinted by Wild Heerbrugg Ltd. 
[69] Stewardson, P.B., Kraus, K., and Gsell, D.C. DACS - digital automatic 
contouring system. XIIth Congress of the ISP, presented paper for 
Comm. IV, 1972. 
[70] van Roessel, J., Digital hypsographic map compilation. PE 38, 11, 1972. 
iii. Mathematical background 
Ahlberg, J.H., Nilson, E.N., and Walsh, J.L. The Theory of Splines and Their 
Applications. Academic Press, New York and London, 1967. 
Delfiner, P. et Delhomme, J.P., Optimum interpolation by kriging. Proceedings 
of NATO Advanced Study Institute for Display and Analysis of Spatial Data, 
July 1973. Miley and Sons, London. 
Heiskanen, W.A., and Moritz, H. Physical Geodesy. W.H. Freeman & Co., 
San Francisco and London, 1967. 
Laurikainen, J., Uber den Einfluss der Drehung des Koordinatensystems bei der 
Interpolation. VR 30, 10, 1968. 
Leberl, F.W., Einfache und verknüpfte Polynome zur Darstellung von Verzeichnungs- 
kurven. BuL 38, 2, 1970. 
Matheron, G. Les variables régionalisées et leur estimation. Masson et Co., 
Paris, 1965. 
Matheron, G. Le krigeage universel. Les Cahiers du Centre de Morphologie 
Mathématique, fascicule 1, Fontainebleau, 1969. 
Matheron, G. La théorie des variables régionalisées et ses applications. Les 
Cahiers du Centre de Morphologie Mathématique, Fontainebleau, 1970. 

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