Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 4)

5. - In which colors are the maps published ? 
Map type N° (see question 4) 
4 5 6 7 8 9 {10 
Other colors 
6.- Are the maps published as : 
Offset prints on paper ? 
Diapositive or negative films ? 
Diazo or dyaline prints ? 
Offset printed photomaps ? 
Bromide photomaps ? 
Diazoprints or photomaps ? 
Offset printed pictomaps ? 
are your base maps produced ? 
- by terrestrial methods (like plane table) 
- by photogrammetric methods (including field completion) 
- by compilation from other maps 
- by other techniques (please indicate here). 
8.- How are your final maps produced ? (telegram-style) 
Examples : 
Map type n? 1 : photogrammetric plot in pencil on white opaque astrafoil - scale 1:1 000 - 
reduced to 1:2500 - drawn in ink on astralon (pvc) - contact copy on film - diazo copies on paper - 
one colour, 
Map type n? 3 : photogrammetric plot in pencil on reinforced paper - scale 1:12 500 - reduced 
to 1:25000 - colour separation scribed on stabilene - flat colours on pellcoat separations - photo- 
graphic film combinations - offset printing in 7-10 colours. 

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