Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 4)

payoff is expected to occur with the image-mat- 
ched filter. 
Heterodyned optical correlator. - The idea 
of heterodyne coincidence detection is used in 
coherent optical correlation (Mikhail, 1975 ; 
Mikhail and Gifford, 194g) for automating con- 
tour data generation. Correlation may be in 
model space (using a holographic stereomodel) 
or in image space. For correlation in model spa- 
ce, a sensor array is connected to a digital com- 
puter. The position of an element in the array 
at which the correlation coefficient is maxi- 
mum is designated as a point on a contour line. 
Therefore all points on a particular contour 
within the area covered by the sensor array are 
extracted at once. The system appears promi- 
sing and is currently being further analyzed. 
Recording | Optical Spectrum Analyzer 
(ROSA). - Diffraction-pattern-analysis techni- 
ques can drastically reduce the amount of in- 
formation to be processed by an automatic ima- 
ge-analysis system. Speeds are millions of times 
faster than in image-digitizing systems. Diffrac- 
tion patterns are formed by a relatively simple 
laser-lens combination that reflects the frequen- 
cy content of the image. The system provides 
information about edge sharpness, object size, 
etc., and allows for decisions at a rate of 100 to 
10,000 per second. Applications include image- 
quality assessment, transfer-function analysis, 
and terrain classification. 
For classification, the ROSA system (Jensen, 
1973) has been used for cloud screening from 
aerial photographs (Leighty and Lukes, 1974). 
The detector is composed of 32 concentric near- 
half-circle rings and 32 wedges. The data from 
the detector array are transferred to a digital 
computer for processing with pattern-recogni- 
tion software. Preliminary work shows that 
with a half-inch aperture only 3 out of 256 sam- 
ple points were classified incorrectly. 
Measurement with sensor arrays. - Measure- 
ment accuracy of sensor arrays (O'Connor and 
Chen, 1972) in a static model is limited by the 
size of the individual array element. Conside- 
rable improvement can be effected in dynamic- 
vision theory. Due to involuntary eye move- 
ments, coarse retinal receptors allow measure- 
ments that are much finer than the smallest re- 
ceptor. Applying this phenomenon, mechani- 
cal or electronic perturbations over a sensor ar- 
ray enabled positioning a light-point with a re- 
solution 20 times finer than the size of an array 
element. Possible applications of the system in- 
clude detection of position, area, shape, and ve- 
locity. It may also provide a substitute for film 
in stellar cameras automatically yielding a real- 
time readout of satellite and stellar coordinates. 
Generation of digital elevation data 
The AS-11B-X Plotter is an experimental 
plotter for rapid and accurate extraction of to- 
pographic information from frame and panora- 
mic photographs (Scarano and Brumm, 1975). 
It is designed specifically to generate digital ele- 
vation data efficiently at very high rates and 
accuracy. The system consists of a viewer, con- 
trol computer, precision laser scanner in epipo- 
lar planes, A/D conversion, digital storage and 
correlation, and generation of multiple eleva- 
tion profiles in a single pass. The data-collec- 
tion rate in this system is expected to increase 
to 10-50 times that of present systems. The dis- 
tinguishing features of the system are : 
1. Single scan of each resolution element. 
2. Digital image storage and address modi- 
fication (for scan shaping). 
3. Epipolar scanning 
4. Scan across and processing of multiple pro- 
5. Mechanical scan of laser light spot 
6. Multiple-bit digital correlation with pa- 
rallel process minicomputer 
7. Elevation computation in epipolar coor- 
dinate system 
8. Off-line computation of a fixed grid of 
elevation points. 
The AS-11 B-X system will serve as a test for 
a production prototype of Advanced Compila- 
tion Equipment (ACE). 
Precise profiling on the AS-11B-1 
The AS-11B-1, which originally contained 
software to profile as a function of time or x, y 
distance, has been modified to profile at extre- 
mely precise rectilinear or geographic intervals 
using the UNIVAC 1108 software (Sutterfield, 
1972). The advantages of these modifications 
are minimal postprocessing, nonredundancy of 
data, convenient editing and correction, rapid 
response, and minimizing of model-tie pro- 

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