® Problems with electrical noise when the
signal-to-noise ratio is low (i.e., very little den-
sity variation) as in snow-covered or heavily fo-
rested areas
6 Objects as large as the scanning spot size in
one photo and smaller than the spot size in the
other photo, thereby showing different density
(b) The BAI image correlator is being consi-
dered for mensuration of camera-calibration
plates. A closed-circuit television system was
added so that the operator can visually check
correlation for approximate settings.
Digitized stereoplotter
A Kern PG 2 stereoplotter has been modified
to digitize both point and line data. Three ro-
tary encoders, a coordinatograph, and an Altek
digitizer provide X, y, z coordinates on magne-
tic tape. On-line monitoring of linear data is
provided on a CRT. The system is being tested
for several potential uses, including the digiti-
zing of planimetric data and terrain profiles
for digital orthophoto systems.
Digitally driven orthophoto system
The digitally driven orthophoto system (To-
pographic Division, 1975) is designed to produ-
ce digital profile information from a stereosco-
pic model, store the information on magnetic
tape, and use the information offline to con-
trol the photographic unit that produces the
orhophotograph. The electronic units are desi-
gned with flexibility for adaption to several ty-
pes of profiling and exposing units. The system
includes three subsystems :
® Profiling device - Attached to a stereoplot-
ter (direct-projection or optical-train) for trans-
lating the platen in z and the guiderail carria-
ge in x, y, under servocontrol. A prototype de-
vice for a PG 2 stereoplotter has been tested ;
it contains a set of x, y rails with servomotors
on each axis, fixed to the draftingtable surface
and connected to the parallelogram arm for
translating the tracing stand in x and y. Con-
trol of the z axis is manual. Servomotors and
encoders have also been attached to a C 5 Ste-
reoplanigraph to provide another subsystem
collecting digital profile data.
® Electronic subsystem-consists of a profile-
recording assembly (magnetic tape) and a play-
back or scanning assembly. The logic for each
assembly is housed in a separate console. A pro-
totype recording assembly is being tested.
® Orthophoto output instrument - A projec-
tor equipped with a three-axis servosystem for
off-line exposure of orthophotographs. The
electronic playback assembly can be adapted to
various projectors. First tests of the complete
system will consist in profiling with a Stereo-
planigraph and exposing with a GZ 1 Ortho-
projector. To adapt USGS T-64 Orthophoto-
scope for use in the automated system, several
changes are needed. A modified model T-64B
should be ready for testing by the time of the
Helsinki Congress.
Simultaneous production of orthophotos,
contours, and digital terrain model
USGS is acquiring a Gestalt Photo Mapper
(GPM2) scheduled for delivery early in 1976.
With this equipment playing the central role.
the input to the system will be pairs of aerial
photographs with model control, and the out
put, automatically produced, will be orthopho-
tos, contours, and digital terrain data.
Digital processing of LANDSAT images
The feasibility of enhancing the photogra-
phic quality of LANDSAT (formerly ERTS)
multispectral-sensor (MSS) images by digitally
processing and combining successive images of
the same Earth scene is being investigated.
Computer-compatible tapes of MSS imagery
from five satellite passes over the Phoenix area,
and five passes over the Upper Chesapeake Bay
area are being digitally processed and correla-
ted and converted to hard copy for comparison
with versions produced from single MSS ima-
ges. If the quality of LANDSAT imagery can
be improved by digital techniques, the scope of
cartographic and other applications could be
Automated mapping from LANDSAT
USGS is studying the possibility of future
developments that may provide an automatic
system for small-scale mapping with LAND-
SAT materials (Colvocoresses, 1974). The state
of the art in Earth-sensing systems is changing
rapidly so that the vidicons or scanners now
used may soon be replaced by solid-state or
other devices. Along with the expected conti-
nuing development and improvement of space-
craft technology, development of optimum ima-
ge-processing, display, and dissemination sys-
tems is needed to provide maximum informa-