Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 4)

Cs = X. = Mt, = Xe = 0 
C, = Ye 7 Mt, = Ys = 0 (15) 
G = Ze = M, + 2e = 0 
In a least squares solution this means: 
8C, 8C, ac, 9C, 8C, . 
X, dX, + dX da + o do =F db do = Or dk + V x = 0 
oC aC oC oC aC 
ZL dy, + Ldn + 2 : : = 
àY, Nr lasts yt dit V, = 0 ac 
ac, oC oC oC oC 
e : 2 + z e 2 = 
az. dz. + SX dX = do + 99 de + fret de + V. = 0 
As mentioned before, the actual adjustment is done in a step by step iterative procedure. 
In the first step the observation equations are: 
Ve = G (X.’, Y. de X ve 2 œ', b', K', 
o", o", KT a Ve; zl Xo yc", Zeil 
Vr = FX. Y. De‘; e, $', K') 
Vr — Fo eX Y o Zz. œ, o", kx" 
where the first Equation of (17) is obtained by combining Equations (5) with (3) and (4) and 
linearizing it by developing into a Taylor series. 
The other two equations in Equations (17) are obtained according to Equation (16). Then 
the weighted square sum of the corrections V is minimized. 
In the second iteration step the function G in Equation (17) is replaced by 
Vy = H 1x, Y. Ze. X." Y Ze œ', o ke œ”, d K^, 
’ / ’ " " " ! 
ke > kı > ko > ks’, k, > kı > ka > ks", n. pa', (18) 
" " ! ! " " 
21. 2, A', B', A", B"). 
Its linearized form is again adjusted together with V;, and V;, (see Equation (17)). 
Iteration continues, using alternatively V; and V;, until the differences between sub- 
sequent results are less than 1078 mm and 1075 radians respectively. This usually takes 
approximately four iterations. 
Due to the fact that the normal equation matrix is fully occupied, the program requires a 
considerable amount of cpu-time. This is the main reason why the ground control is consid- 
ered presently as fixed rather than incorporated as an observed quantity in a combined 
parametric-condition adjustment as in thé optional case where collinearity equations are used 
for the control points?. An expansion in this direction is planned. 
Perhaps it should be pointed out that there is no need for full X,Y,Z control points, as the 
control restraint can utilize horizontal and vertical control points separately. 
Several test objects have been photographed using a Nikomat-FT 35 mm camera with a 50 
mm Nikkor—4 lens and evaluated using 2, 3, 4, or 6 photographs, forming 1,3, 6, and 13 (more 
practically : 11) photogrammetric models. The method does not necessarily require conver- 
gent photography which however provides better stereo coverage. 
There are 17 unknowns per photograph in the second iteration step, which leads to the 
minimum number of common points to be measured in each photograph as shown in Table 1. 
It is quite apparent that more than four photographs become uneconomical as they require 
much more measuring and computing effort. 
All these combinations were evaluated using ten each horizontal and vertical control points 
and many object points. Both a full calibration (including all distortions and affinity and using 
V, and V, alternatively) and a partial calibration (using V; only) were carried out. Further-

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