Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 4)

X ———X—DL—-X 
T K 
Using a truncation of T equivalent to Equa- 
tion 10 the new operational formulas are 
x' = AT'Ax — ¢ = A\PTKAx — ¢ 
X =C + mKx ; 
X = vx 
Finally, if one desires, the whole orienta- 
tion can follow the classical routine of the 
relative-absolute orientation. The measure- 
ments are arranged in two steps yielding in- 
termediate model coordinates X after the rela- 
tive orientation and final coordinates x after 
the absolute orientation. With the notation of 
R for the matrix of relative orientation, A for 
the matrix of absolute orientation, L for the 
matrix to level the model, and K for the matrix 
of azimuthal rotation, one can write 
P-AR , A-KL , P -— KLR 
and eventually arrive at the following for- 
(a) after solving five parameters for R,, R, 
x'= \RTA£ —-c , 
X= mAï + dX , 
(b) after solving seven parameters for m, A, 
x= MLR) TAx me, 
ABSOLUTE|X =mKx+dX ‚, (13b) 
xX = vx ; 
Mathematical considerations. Mathemati- 
cal formulations suitable for applications in 
close range photogrammetry are discussed in 
detail by Wong (1975) in his invited paper to 
the XIIIth ISP Congress. For this reason, 
the analysis here is limited to some special 
aspects typical of on-line systems. 
In general, the basic equation for perspec- 
tive bundles is the well known collinearity 
condition which can be modified as an affin- 
ity condition to fitthe relations in projections 
with parallel beams. Both conditions can be 
further extended to include the unknown 
parameters of inner orientation and of image 
distortions. For example a more general for- 
mulation of the collinearity equation 
(Abdel-Aziz and Karara, 1971; Jahn, 1975) in- 
cluded the elements of interior orientation 
extended by two additional parameters to 
compensate for a general affine distortion of a 
An on-line analytical system can handle a 
multiple orientation of images although the 
final processing can obviously proceed only 
in stereopairs sequentially formed from ap- 
propriate combinations of images. The model 
reconstruction is based on a simultaneous 
micro-block adjustment using suitable mod- 
els for the image geometries. This arrange- 
ment has a great self-calibrating potential. 
The procedure is applicable to multiple 
stereoviews based on the use of mirrors, or to 
several smaller sized pictures as long as they 
can be simultaneously accommodated in the 
photocarriers of the analytical on-line in- 
An exclusive use of a single collinearity or 
affinity condition leads to a uniform formula- 
tion of the equation system. One can avoid 
using an additional coplanarity condition for 
intersections of conjugated rays, which is in- 
adequate for a multiple orientation anyway. 
In this instance the unknown coordinates of 
intersected points are sequentially elimi- 
nated from the solution in a point-by-point 
procedure well known in photogrammetric 
bundle adjustments. 
In the formulation of the least squares ad- 
justment it is advantageous to consider the 
initial linearized system of condition equa- 
tions with corrections v, unknown parame- 
ters g, and condition residuals u 
Av =Bg +u =0 (14) 
as an equivalent to a system of parametric 
equations based on quasi-observations u and 
associated weights P 
Bg--u-zw, P-(AAT- (15) 
Weighting ofthe original observations is neg- 
lected here. If required, their variance- 
covariance matrix Q is introduced and then 
the expression for P in Equation 15 is mod- 
ified into (AQAT)-1!. 
Assuming a suitable partitioning B — [B, 
B,|andgt —(g? g7 ), the elimination of model 
coordinates g, leads to an equivalent system 
of quasi-observations u which are newly cor- 
related through a weight matrix P,. This sys- 
tem contains only orientation parameters g, 
Bi +U = w > 
P,-P —PB(BIPB)3BTP . (16 
These equations are used to contribute se- 
quentially towards the normal equations 
BIP,B,g, + BIP,u = 
In this scheme the given control 
coordinates can be weighted with the estima- 
tions of P, and regarded as additional con- 

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