photographs taken with metric cameras can
be used for precision measurements or for
restitution in analog plotters without addi-
tional control of the elements of inner and
relative orientation. The measuring preci-
sion should be limited only by unavoidable
errors of the photographic material. Further-
more the lens distortion should be small
enough so that it can be neglected for plot-
ting on analog restitution instruments.
The tolerances for the inner orientation
depend on a number of factors such as the
opening angle of the camera, the size of the
object, or the type of photographic material to
be used (roll film, plane film, or glass plates).
Therefore it is not possible to give figures
which are applicable under all circum-
stances. These tolerances will also help to
judge under which conditions non-metric
cameras can be used for precision measure-
ments without any loss of accuracy.
Such an accuracy evaluation can be per-
formed by a simulated camera calibration. If
one assumes that the object to be measured
includes control points, then the principal
distance, the coordinates of the principal
point, and eventually the distortion can be
computed. The precision of the calculated
parameters is obtained from the system of
inverted normal equations. In case the con-
trol points are unfavorably distributed, the
unknowns are fairly inaccurate. This does
not effect the precision of the points to be
measured within the area defined by the
control points, provided that the camera cali-
bration is restricted to the principal distance
and the coordinates of the principal point.
The simulated camera calibration has been
based on the projection equations of
Hallert? extended for the elements of the
inner orientation.
=x. +A’, +c
ordinates of the projection center. The rota-
tion elements are the swing x, the tip ¢, and
the tilt w. The lens distortion is taken into
account by Ar', and Ar',.
The form of the projection equations and
the sequence of the axes of the rotation
elements is immaterial; it is of importance
only that the physical imaging process is
approximated sufficiently. The inclusion of
the radial distortion or the principal point of
symmetry as unknowns would degrade the
precision of the estimated parameters con-
siderably. The increase of the variances is
then combined with a strong correlation
between the unknowns. The high correlation
between the orientation elements means that
an error of one of these parameters can be
compensated by a proper choice of the other
variables. This compensation is possible
only if at least one of two highly correlated
values can be chosen freely.
For the study of the reproducibility of the
elements of inner orientation it is assumed
that these parameters are considered con-
stant and only the elements of the exterior
orientation are variable. Therefore the accu-
racy estimations should be performed for
each orientation element separately. Be-
cause the correlation between the principal
point and the principal distance is small, this
precaution is not necessary for these three
parameters, but it would not be correct to
introduce more parameters of the inner ori-
entation as stochastic variables.
The size of an object or the size of the test
field for a calibration is physically limited
by the characteristics of the camera. Its lat-
eral extension is restricted by the opening
angle of the camera, and the depth extension
in general by the depth of focus. Especially
for short imaging distances the depth of focus
can be very narrow. Figure 1 gives a survey of
the depth of focus for cameras with different
focal lengths. It has been assumed for the
(x—x,) (cos¢ cosk — sing sinw sink) —(y—y,) cose sink -(H —h,) (sin cosk * cosó sino sinx)
(x—x,) sin$ coso — (y-y,) sino -(H—h,) cos$ coso
yy, tA. dc
(x—x,) (cos¢ sink + sing sin w cosk)+(y—y,) cosw cosk+(H—h,) (sing sink —cos¢ sinw cosk)
(x—x,) sind cosw — (y—
In the formulae x' and y' are the picture co-
ordinates (measured in the comparator); x, y,
and H the corresponding coordinates of the
points in the test field; c the principal dis-
tance; x', and y', the coordinates of the
principal point; and x, y,, and h, the co-
yo) sino — (H —h,) coso coso
computation that the circle of confusion
should not be larger than 30um and the
smallest admittable aperture stop has been
fixed at 1: 16. These limitations might appear
rather narrow but less severe restrictions
would cause a serious degradation of the