Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 4)

Fic. 13. The underside of the box girder 
bridge model, showing some of the pre- 
marked points whose relative movements are 
to be determined. 
which were attached to the camera and three 
auxiliary flash units which were mounted 
around the box. The use of a short flash dura- 
tion overcame any problems which might 
have arisen from camera movement. 
The photography was observed on a Hilger 
and Watts stereocomparator. Relative and ab- 
solute orientations were computed analyti- 
cally. Accuracies in the horizontal plane were 
good but movements in depth were deter- 
mined less satisfactorily (average root mean 
square error at height control was 0.34 mm). 
However, their determination was not so im- 
portant in these tests. Scale control at the base 
of the box and triangulation of the control 
points which were provided would have im- 
proved this accuracy. 
A second deformation measurement proj- 
ect is now in progress. The author is indebted 
to Mr. P.J. Scott of University College Lon- 
don for the note which follows. 
"A 1:12 scale model ofa bifurcated box gird- 
er bridge (Figure 12) is to be load-tested at 
Imperial College of Science and Technology. 
Measurements will only be required in the 
localised areas where the failure occurs but 
their location will not be known until the 
failure has taken place. Close-range photo- 
grammetry thus provides the means of record- 
ing all points and of providing co-ordinates for 
only the required few when their location is 
known. The model bridge carries approxi- 
mately 4000 premarked targets (Figure 13). 
Relative movement between them is to be de- 
termined to better than 0.3 mm. This require- 
ment has necessitated the use ofa small object 
distance of 2.3 m. The shape of the bridge 
dictates the large depth of field of 1.8 m to 
3.4 m. The majority of the related research is 
thus centered around the variation of the 
principal distance with object distance 
throughout the field. A photographic calibra- 
tion method has been devised which evalu- 
ates this variation as well as the change in 
principal distance with radial distance. In 
order to calculate correction terms for ob- 
served co-ordinates, the approximate dis- 
tance of each target will have to be deter- 
Control points on the bridge will take the 
form of marks on plumb wires, each 1 mm in 
diameter and 1 mm long. These wires are 
hung on the stable mounting frame of the 
bridge. They will be surveyed from four con- 
crete pillars erected specially for the purpose. 
Control points will be placed at the front and 
back of each overlap area. The survey ofthese 
marks presents several problems and it will 
require much careful planning to keep the 
horizontal and vertical scale factors equal. 
The nature ofthe box girder is such that the 
direction of deformation of any point can be 
fairly well predicted. This gives rise to the 
possibility of using false parallax techniques 
on pairs of photographs taken from the same 
point before and after deformation. Since 
there will be approximately 30 camera sta- 
tions, it will not be possible to relocate the 
camera exactly. A fairly simple adaptation of 
the false parallax principle is being investi- 
gated which requires that the photographs 
need only be taken from approximately the 
same point and with roughly the same orienta- 
Collaboration over an eight year period be- 
tween the Rock Mechanics Group at Imperial 
College of Science and Technology and the 
Department of Photogrammetry and Survey- 
ing, University College London, led to sev- 
eral applications of photogrammetry. Wick- 
ens and Barton (1971) have explained how 
close-range photogrammetry was used to de- 
termine roughness profiles of model joints 
(Figures 14 and 15). Similar model material 
was then used in the construction of two- 
dimensional open pit excavations. Stages in 
these excavations and associated displace- 
ments in the structure were analysed by false 
Fic. 14. One photograph of a stereopair, taken 
in order to determine surface roughness of model 
joint material. 

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