Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 4)

trifugal testing of soil models. Photogrammetric 
Record, 7(41): 538-554. 
Erlandson, J.P. and Veress, S.A., 1974. Contempo- 
rary problems in terrestrial photogrammetry. 
Photogrammetric Engineering, 40(9): 1079- 
Farrand, R., 1965. Photogrammetry applied to pipe 
systems of chemical plant. Photogrammetric 
Record, 5(26): 100-112. 
Gates, J.W.C., 1975. Position and displacement 
measurement by holography and related tech- 
niques. Ibid., 8(46): 389-407. 
Grün, A. and Stephani, M., 1974. Photogrammet- 
rische Vermessung der Brennkammer des Atom- 
reaktors Garching/Munchen. Bildmessung und 
Luftbildwesen, 42(1): 12-18. 
Happold, E. and Liddell, W.I., 1975. Timber lattice 
roof for the Mannheim Bundesgartenschau. The 
Structural Engineer, 53(3): 99-135. 
Harding, J.E., 1974. The behaviour of high 
strength friction grip bolted joints in box girder 
construction. Imperial College, London. CES- 
LIC Report BC 2. x + 54 pages. 184 figs. 
Karara, H.M. and Herron, R.E., (Eds.), 1974. Bio- 
stereometrics ‘74. American Society of Photo- 
grammetry, Falls Church, Virginia. 640 pages. 
Kempson, L.L. and Heath, W., 1972. An appraisal 
of photogrammetric methods for landslide sur- 
veys in Colombia. Transport and Road Research 
Laboratory Technical Note TN 735. 26 pages. 
Lacmann, O., 1950. Die Photogrammetrie in ihrer 
Anwendung auf nicht-topographischen Ge- 
bieten. S. Hirzel Verlag, Leipzig. 220 pages. 
Linkwitz, K., 1967. Ein kontinuierliches digitales 
Modell, dargestellt am Beispiel des Deutschen 
Pavillons Montreal. Bildmessung und Luftbild- 
wesen, 35(3): 95-100. 
Linkwitz, K. and Preuss, H.D., 1971. Die photo- 
grammetrische Vermessung der Modelle der 
olympischen Dàcher München. Ibid., 39(4): 
147-156. : 
Linkwitz, K., and Preuss, H. D., 1974. Über die 
photogrammetrischrechnerische Ermittlung des 
Membranzuschnitts für das Schwimmhallen- 
provisorium in München. Ibid, 42(5): 171-174. 
Moore, J.F.A., 1973. The photogrammetric mea- 
surement of constructional displacements of a 
rockfill dam. Photogrammetric Record, (42): 
Newton, L, 1974. Dimensional quality control of 
large ship structures by photogrammetry. Ibid., 
8(44): 139-153. 
Nooshin, H. and Butterworth, J.W., 1974. Experi- 
mental study of a prestressed cable roof. Paper 
given at the International Conference on Ten- 
sion Roof Structures, London. 17 pages. 
Proctor, D.W., 1973. Where stands photogram- 
metry today? Photogrammetric Record, 7(42): 
Proctor, D.W. and Atkinson, K.B., 1972. Experi- 
mental photogrammetric wriggle survey in the 
Second Mersey Tunnel. Tunnels and Tunnel- 
ling, 4(2): 115-118 and 145. 
Ross-Brown, D.M. and Atkinson, K.B., 1972. Ter- 
restrial photogrammetry in open-pits: 1. 
Transactions/Section A of the Institution of Min- 
ing and Metallurgy, 81: 205-213. 
Ross-Brown, D.M., Wickens, E.H. and Markland, 
J.T., 1973. Terrestrial photogrammetry in open- 
pits: 2. Ibid., 82: 115-130. 
Schmid, W., 1973. Die Photogrammetrie im was- 
serbaulichen Versuchswesen. Vermessung, 
Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik, 71(4): 132- 
Wickens, E.H. and Barton, N.R., 1971. The applica- 
tion of photogrammetry to the stability of exca- 
vated rock slopes. Photogrammetric Record, 
7(37): 46-54. 

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