Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 4)

This has led to the birth ofa new construction 
industry and the establishment of fabrication 
yards around the coasts of Britain, France, 
Holland, and Norway. Considering oil pro- 
duction platforms alone, there are, at present, 
11 being installed and a further 37 in the 
course of construction. It is anticipated that 
up to 80 platforms will be in position by 1980. 
Basically the steel platforms consist of two 
parts: a jacket, so called because it wraps 
around the piles which secure it to the sea 
bed, and a deck structure which supports the 
various modules containing equipment and 
necessary services. The two parts are fabri- 
cated separately, the deck structure and 
modules being installed after the jacket is 
Scotland for the B. P. Forties Field (Figure 
1). Both jackets are of similar design consist- 
ing essentially of four main tubular legs 
linked by a network of tubes joined together 
by nodes. Internally there are a series of con- 
ductor panels which, also, serve as stiffening 
panels. In all, the jacket contains some 17,000 
tons of steel but the reusable flotation tanks 
and stabilizing spheres bring the total floating 
weight up to 33,000 tons. The jacket is erected 
on the flotation tanks in a horizontal position 
and is up-ended through 90°, by controlled 
flooding of the tanks, when on site in the 
North Sea. It is then parted from the flotation 
tanks and the deck structure added. In size 
these jackets are about 150m in height and 
ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the application of close-range photo- 
grammetry to the measurement of two types of marine structure: 
fixed-base offshore platforms and ships. Examples are given, with 
results, of typical applications and the value of photogrammetry in 
the measurement of such structures is assessed. 
RésuMÉ: Cet article est consacré à l'utilisation de la photogrammétrie 
des objets rapprochés pour mesurer des structures navales de deux 
sortes, c.-à-d., des navires et des plates-formes à coque submergée. 
Aprés avoir exposé des cas typiques, avec les résultats obtenus par 
photogrammétrie, l'auteur propose une évaluation de cette méthode 
de mesurer ces structures. 
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Der Aufsetz befaßt sich mit der 
Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie und ihrer Anwendung auf die Mes- 
sungen von Schiffen und unbeweglichen Objekten im Meer (z.B. Öl- 
bohrinseln). Typische Beispiele sowie Ergebnisse dieser Anwendung 
werden angeführt und erörtert im Lichte der Bedeutung der Photo- 
grammetrie für derartige Messungen. 
transported out to its location and installed on 
the sea bed. In the case of a drilling platform, 
the jacket has horizontal panels which serve 
to locate and support the well conductor 
Concrete platforms serve the same func- 
tion as a support tower for the deck modules 
and the conductor wells in the case of the 
drilling platform, the major difference being 
that they are fixed to the sea bed by their 
self-weight, not by piling. 
These massive structures are now ap- 
proaching heights of 300 m as development 
moves into deeper waters. Each represents a 
multi-million pound project of up to two 
years’ duration. 
Typical of the steel jackets are the two re- 
cently completed by Brown and Root- 
Wimpey Highlands Fabricators Limited in 
measure 90m x 75m at the base reducing to 
40m x 35m at the deck level. 
Owing to their size, weight, and complex- 
ity, the fabrication of these structures has 
created a number of problems in these early 
days. One of these has been to devise an effi- 
cient and accurate dimensional control sys- 
tem. Such a system is essential on a project of 
this kind in order to ensure a fit between 
components when they are lifted into posi- 
tion during erection. At present, dimensional 
control measurements are made by using 
conventional surveying instruments and 
techniques but photogrammetry is being 
considered as an alternative for certain units. 
One consortium (Brown & Root—Wimpey 
Highlands Fabricators Ltd) has, in fact, com- 
missioned a feasibility study to look at photo- 
grammetry and this has been carried out by

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