Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

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ional So- 
volumes, is 
shed, in Bu- 
May, 14. SKYLAB 1 is launched. It makes, also Earth sur- 
face registeringe aiming at the Earth resource inventa- 
ry and environmental studies. 
January,22. The second remote sensing satellite, having 
the same characteristics and performances as ERTS l,cal- 
led now LANDSAT 2, is launched. As a result of using both 
satellites, the registering cycle is only 9 days now. 
July,2. R.S.Halonen died /born in 1915/. 
July,11-23. The XIIIth Congress of the International So- 
ciety for Photogrammetry is held in Helsinki. 
ALBOTA,M. Istoria fotogrammetriei in date. Paper III RCF 
Symposium, Bucuresti, 1975. 
ATKINSON,K.B. Some Recent Developments in Non-topogra- 
phic Photogrammetry. Photogrammetric Record, 34/1969. 
BONNEVAL,H. Photogrammétrie générale. Tome 1,2,3. Paris, 
Eyrolles, 1972. ^ 
BUCHHOTTZ,A. Photogrammetrie. Berlin, VEB Verlag Teoh- 
nik, 1954, 
DORE, P, Fondamenti di Fotogrammetria. Fototopografia da 
Terra e da Aerei. Bologna, N.Zanichelli Editore, 1938. 
:0NTA,C. Aero-topografia. Ridicares de planuri si harti 
prin fotografii aeriene. Bucuresti, Atel.Graf.Socec,1927. 
GRUNER,H. The History of the Multiplex. Photogrammetric 
Engineering, 3/1962. 
HALLERT,B. Photogrammetry. New York, McGraw-Hill Book 
Company, 1960. 
IVANCIANU,A. Fotogrammetria in Romania. Bucuresti, Bule- 
tinul Cadastral, 3-6/1939. 
LAMBOIT,P. History of the Photogrammetric Society.London, 
The Photogrammetric Record, 43/1974. 
MARTIN,R. Notions de photogrammétrie. Paris, Eyrolles, 
POIVILLIERS,G. Photographie Aérienne, Paris,Gauthiers- 
Villars, 1965. 
PORRO,T., VOLLA,F. La Fotografia Aerea. Roma, Stab.Poli- 
grep. L Am.d. Stato, 1924. 
QUICK,J.R. Eye in the Sky. Paper X ISP Congress, Lisabo- 
na, 1965. 
RUSINOV,M.M., s.a. Les objeotifs photogrammétriques so- 
viétiques. Paris, Bul. Soc.Fr.Photogram., 39/1970. 
SCHOELER,H. Jena und die Photogrammetrie. Jena, VEB Carl 
Zeiss Jena Nachrichten, 1959, vol.I. 
DEEE, Ke Grundriss der Photogrammetrie. Stuttgart, 

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