Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

Photogrammetry 201 Introduction to Photogrammetry. 
Introduction, methods, history. Factors of image formation. Geometry 
of the aerial photography. Planning aerial photography. Use of aerial 
photography for plannimetric mapping. Stereophotogrammetry. Analytical 
photogrammetry. Aerotriangulation. Automation. Orthophotography. 
Terrestrial photogrammetry. Holography. 
Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing 201 
introduction, methods, history, applications. Electromagnetic Radiation, | 
interactions. Photographic, electrooptical and microwave sensors. 
Platforms. Remote sensor data processing. Fundamentals of image inter- 
pretation. Applications of photointerpretation and Remote Sensing. 
Photogrammetry 202 ^ Stereophotogrammetry. 
Analytical photogrammetry. Stereoscopy. Analogous instrument design. 
Analogous instruments of first second and third order. Relative 
and absolute orientation. Photogrammetric Restitutions. Limitations, 
capabilities, economics and accuracy of photogrammetric restitution. 
Photogrammetric Seminar 
A seminar in special topics from Photogrammetry with an emphasis on 
the applications. Bagic Topics? Cartography and Cadastre. Selected 
Topics: Highway design, Terrestrial Photogrammetry, Orthophotography, 
Seminar in Remote Sensing. 
seminar in special topics from Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing 
with an emphasis on the applications. Basic Topics: Topographic and 
thematic maps, Geography. Selected Topics: Engineering, Archeology, 
Urban and Regional Analysis, Hydrology, Natural Resources, Coasts. 

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