wide basis of educational and research facilities in pho-
togrammetry. From the avaiable information it already be-
comes evident that the development in photogrammetry edu-
cation has been fast when compared with other discipli -
nes; while there have been very few professors of photo-
grammetry at the begining of the century, there are now al-
ready in some countries entire photogrammetry faculties at
the university level". |
Detailed information is presented in "General Report
of World-Wide Analysis on Photogrammetric Education and
Photogrammetric Research Policy and Organization ISP Work-
ing Group VI-1" by Prof. A.J.Brandenberger. Nowadays Com- |
mission VI is treating educational problems in photogram-
metry remote sensing and photo-interpretation in general.
Ve hope that two invited papers and the discussion on edu-
cational problems in the field of photo-interpretation du-
ring our sessions on the "Organization of education and re-
search in photogrammetry" in Helsinki will appear very
useful. The internal integrating process within the photo-
grammetry, photointerpretation and remote sensing is com-
bined with an integrating process between measurement en-
gineering and neighboucing areas, especially with automa-
tion, information processing and computer taschnology. The
solution of scientific and main technological problems ne-
eds the cooperation of many specialists within the sphere
of the total problem. We can agree that photogrammetry be-
long to the measurement sciences. Therefore we should work
closer together with International Measurement Confedera-
tion IMEKO. The relevant ISP and IMEKO technical Commis -
sions could find common interest. ISP Commissibn VI /W.G.
VI-1 and .G.VI-3/ should start with collaboration with
IMEKO Technical Committy 1 /TC1/ - Higher Education and
IMEKO Technical Committy 6 /TC6/ Vocabulary Committy.
The need for publications on the history of photogram-
metry in various countries has been expressed several ti-
mes at our congresses and meetings. Therefore Working
Group VI-2 - directed by the Commission Board - invited