Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

tion-gaps?/ are founded in the separate purposes, contents 
and structures of the different countries, organizations 
and schools that the indiciduals pass through. 
If we graph the overall knowledage capability of the 
researchers in photogrammetry, it will look like the cur- 
ve labelled "Research". This curve peaks in the relevant 
sciences but wakens through the barriers. These barriers 
are the "Knowledge Gaps". To many people, such knowledge 
gaps suggest that more and more of our research objecti- 
ves are complex mixtures of technical performance, econo- 
mio capabilities and sooiological values. 
With the rapid pace of technological change, more and 
more of our innovations depend on new science and techno- 
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= | Research 
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Physical Applications 
Sciences Technologies Engineering 
Figure 1: Knowledge Specialization vs.Development 
logy — making the whole thing more and more complex. De- 
sign-process and cost-effectiveness tradeoffs have to be 
made at the interfaces by people who have the understand- 
ing of all conflicting requirements and their limitations. 
An idea of such requirements can be obtained if we study 
recent trends of photogrammetric research in the world. 
Recent Trends 
A review of recent significant trends and areas of 
photogrammetric research would indicate a shift from the 

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