Full text: Reports and invited papers (Part 5)

6. There is an industry-wide effort to develop a sys- - 
tem /both hardware and software/ made up of indicidual com- 
ponents which can be used separately or collectively for 
most photogrammetrio probiems regardless of the sensor yet 
usable by the average practitioner. 
Qualitative Information 
1. Development of hardware and software /techniques/ 
for remote sensing of the earth's environment and interpre- 
ting terrestrial conditions and changes therein /water, ve- 
getation, land-use, etc./. 
2. Use of color, false color and multi-spectral image- 
ry in interpretation work. 
3. Development of automated pattern recognition tech- 
niques. | | 
4. Study of system-requirements for resolution, detec- 
tability and recognizability of various user groups /eg., 
geology, hydrology, etc./. 
5. Application of close-range and micro-range photogram- 
metric and holographic methods to bio-medical problems. 
6. Integration of photointerpretation and mensuration 
/ie., qualitative and quantitative/ methods into a simple 
and automated datastorage and retriéval system. 
Data Storage and Display 
1. Development of data banks. Associated with this is 
the need for development of methods to provide the user for 
assessing and displaying such data. 
2. Automated read-in and read-out devices for storage 
and retrieval. 
3. Exploitation of coherent optical processing and ho- 
lography for new approaches to compilation. 
4. The concept of a single map sheet with all the in- 
formation on it will not effectively suit the needs of the 
society. A basic map sheet with a series of overlays is of- 
ten considered needed and should preferably be capable of 
CRT or hand-copy display. Research in this direction is vi- 

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